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5 side effects of being a virgin for too long

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Have you ever wondered what the side effects of being virgin for a long time? First, there are several issues involving the first time. For women, the pressure is often that they must keep themselves pure, save themselves for someone special. Depending on the religion, they feel compelled to have sex only after marriage.

Men in this situation are not so common. The pressures they suffer are much more related to losing their virginity quickly than the other way around. And that doesn't bring only positive effects either. Several men acquire premature ejaculation or other erectile dysfunctions for fear of disappointing in bed.

In the cycle of life, it is natural for sexuality to be developed between adolescence and adulthood. We can assume an age window of between 18 and 25 years, which would be the most common ages for a person to start their sex life and experience more than one partner. But, what about when that doesn't happen? What are the side effects of being a virgin for too long?

Sexuality is natural to human beings, so not developing it can bring some problems, especially when you want to have sex but you can't. If you're a virgin and you're reading this, calm down. You won't die if you take a little longer to lose your virginity. But pay attention to our list to prevent yourself from some situations.

side effects of being a virgin for too long


1 – Constant frustration

The first side effect of remaining a virgin for a long time is that constant frustration, for no apparent reason, and which generates other situations such as impatience and sadness. It's not that all the world's problems can be solved with sex, but most of them can.

Research has shown that not having sex can actually leave a person in a worse mood than those who have sex regularly. Having orgasms helps relieve everyday tension and stress, as well as releasing happiness hormones like endorphin and dopamine.

side effects of being a virgin for too long


2 – Weakening of the muscles of the intimate region

Yes, sex is the best cardio there is. In addition to burning calories and being very pleasurable, having sex helps keep the muscles in the intimate region – pelvis – strong, which is good not only for the reproductive system, but also for the urinary and digestive systems.

An alternative is to bet on exercises to strengthen the region, such as pomp or even good old bodybuilding. But don't forget, the best thing is to practice kama sutra!

3 – Weak immune system

Having sex is good for your body as a whole. Another side effect of staying a virgin for too long is that your immune system gets weaker.

Recent research points out that having sexual intercourse regularly helps in controlling cell renewal, increasing the concentration of antibodies and also in strengthening the immune system. That is why the motto of many urological clinics is that sex is health.

4 – Worsening of self-esteem and confidence

Did you know that having sex helps maintain our self-esteem as a whole? We're not just talking about feeling good about your body, but also confidence at work, the ability to make decisions, and it also makes you tend to be more optimistic.

When a person has sex frequently, has good chemistry with their partner, and has orgasms, all other areas of life tend to improve as well. This is because of the chemical effects of sex on the brain, well beyond the already great physical effects.


5 - Psychological impacts

In addition to these four topics mentioned above, another side effect of staying a virgin for too long is the psychological impacts. These impacts can range from low self-esteem, poor body perception, to actually becoming illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Asexual people aside, most human beings want to have sex. Therefore, not doing it because of a belief, lack of opportunity or even choice, is not such a good option. Rethink: do you really need NOT to have sex? If you hesitate in choosing, you already know the answer.

For those who are trying and still haven't succeeded: relax. When you least expect it, it will happen. The rest is just history.

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