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Pornos and Camgirls websites increase in Brazilian searches after coronavirus

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Due to the current scenario, Porn Sites and Camgirls increase in Brazilian searches after the coronavirus. Currently, the news that has been spreading all the time is about the . A virus that started in China and soon spread all over the world, including here in Brazil. Given the pandemic situation, Brazilian authorities are seeking measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Because of this, this week preventive measures were adopted, the quarantine!

Pornos and Camgirls sites increase in Brazilian searches after coronavirus: find out why!

The quarantine to prevent the contamination and spread of the virus, asks people to remain in their homes, in this way, crowded places are being avoided, therefore, cinemas, shopping centers, gyms, schools and events, were temporarily suspended, among many others movements, such as entrances and exits at airports and bus stations in some cities in Brazil. With that, people circulate less on the streets and stay at home more.

Consequently, of course, this has had a major impact on the economy, however, the demand for the pornographic industry has increased. Access to the websites of suffered more hits, in addition to concerts with camgirl e online stripteases.

Since young people cannot go out to enjoy ballads or bars with friends. And contact such as handshake, kisses and hugs cannot happen at the moment, as this is a means of contamination. So what can you do at home to dribble hormones?

Certainly, this young audience is what has increased the Brazilian searches for virtual sex, after coronavirus. After all, the public that most accesses adult content sites, married men, are currently with their partners and children, in such a way that it makes access to virtual erotic content impossible.

Certainly, the entire increase in access to porn sites directly influences the increase in the number of new Camgirls registered, showing an average of 50% growth when compared to the same period of the previous year.

In this way, Camgirls are on the rise, that is, they are seeing opportunities for visibility, since their services do not require physical contact, which allows them to carry out their work without running the risk of contamination. Undeniably, this also means profit for them.

Camgirls most requested sexual fantasies

The increase in searches for Camgirls has increased this past week, reaching a doubling of requests. Inside of sexual fantasies most requested are the nurse costume, which for some time has not been in great demand. That fetish it is extremely common. Tied hair, wearing lab coats and wearing surgical masks are the most requested items to spice up the girls' look.

Source: pornpics/playback

From the same point of view, some newcomers in platforms with camgirls has performed some fetishes, for example, seeing her sanitizing her hands, while he also washed his. This is directly related to the situation of the Coronavirus, as hand washing is essential in the fight against the disease that has caused many deaths around the world.

The pandemic situation is really scary and requires a lot of care, which has a strong impact on the economy, and consequently the concern of many people. However, it has been an important moment for porn sites that have received much more hits, as well as Camgirls who are at record time. The platforms they register with are mostly foreign, so payment ends up happening in dollars.

As a result, after the coronavirus, this is an important period for the porn industry to invest in marketing and provide new users with erotic content in the virtual world.

Read also Coronavirus is the subject of porn video sites

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