Porn » Porn » Amateur sex and falling on the net are terms in Flagras Amateurs

Amateur sex and falling on the net are terms in Flagras Amateurs

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Recently, the website released the most searched words in its virtual space and amateur sex is among them.

To give you an idea, the time that Internet users have spent on the site, watching the existing videos, is already over seven minutes. That number, quite attractive when you think that before, I didn't watch three.

We also have well-researched terms: amateur videos, amateur porn and dropped on the net.

vaginal sex

Source: youporn

The site is a reference in the online porn world and is among the most accessed today.

The percentage of people who searched for each of these words shows us a scenario in which people want to watch things that are as close to their reality as possible.

In this case, for example, the proof is that the term amateur sex appeared leading the search, with 39% in the ranking. The reason? When the search is for professional sex, the scenes often end up being forced and this is not the intention of those who watch.

One more proof of this is the other term, dropped on the net. In this tab of the site, we have several videos that are not necessarily there by choice of the person who recorded them.

Many times the boyfriend made the video and released it on the internet, for some reason or no reason at all. That's why the number of videos related to amateur sex is really huge.

Porn and its possibilities in the midst of amateur sex

When it comes to amateur porn, the existing possibilities are many. Despite not having that much experience, as amateur sex is in high demand, the women who do it end up getting a good audience.

In the case of Flagras Amadores, the number of visits per month has been increasing in February, with no failure in this regard.

The reason? More and more amateur sex videos have been posted, which means that Internet users find news every time they access the space.

Although many accesses are from Brazilians, it is the Americans who still win, both in number of likes and in time spent in space.

The explanation for this is simple: people from outside Brazil are very attracted to amateur sex here.

Especially in terms of the beauty of Brazilian women. Their curvy bodies end up completely enchanting foreign Internet users.

The Brazilian, who also accesses it, but is not at the top, has access to these women and even to the practice of amateur sex in a much more simplified way.

So much so that an interesting point about this is found in the idea that according to a survey we did, 78% of people who access Flagras Amadores have a girlfriend or are married.

According to the interviewees, the idea of ​​accessing the space is that the content displayed there is very close to what they already do in reality, only more complete, with more sensuality.

And that's what they like, not full-blown women. So, when they don't practice with their partners, they take the opportunity to see amateur sex in the middle of the site. Including, almost half stated that they watch it together with them.

And the other terms besides that amateur busts?

Not that the other terms didn't have hits. But the number was divided a lot and the focus of the research was precisely the most sought after.

However, in addition to amateur sex and the others mentioned, what is very sought after are lesbians.

lesbians having sex

Source: Xvideos

Our research even showed that women are the ones who are most looking for this style of amateur sex video.

When asked if they considered themselves bisexual for that reason, the vast majority said no, but that seeing others kissing and also touching each other sexually stimulated them.

During this part of the research, another question was whether they would have sex with other women, as they had this desire when watching. Most said no, mainly because they wouldn't know how to act.

Men, on the other hand, answered that their biggest desire when watching videos of amateur sex with lesbians is to have more than one woman in bed at the same time.

12% of those committed even commented that they had already made the proposal to their partners, but only 1,6% were successful in accepting it.

One of the interviewees added that the seven-year-old girlfriend did not explain it as a fear of losing respect for each other and not due to jealousy, as was to be expected. According to him, she will continue to insist, despite not knowing if she will get used to the practice.

The idea that watching is very different from putting into practice was agreed by most.

Amateur sex becoming a profession

To carry out the research, VIP content was made available free of charge, which everyone who answered the questions could access.

Another question was whether they considered amateur sex a profession, in the case of those who really invest in it, or if there is prejudice regarding this issue.

The answers varied, but as we talk about amateurism, almost 80% said that they see it more as something that those who do it like and do it for that reason, without necessarily wanting a rating.

Mainly in the sense of falling on the net, according to them. Some commented things like: people sometimes don't even know they're in these spaces, so the issue of professionalism is more in other styles of video.

Still as a relevant point of the survey, 89% said that it is not their first access to the space. And that they come back because the site brings everything it promises, including updates.

From zero to ten, it was to be voted on updates, quality content and organization of the site, with search facilities.

The average was 9,6 for quality content, 9,2 for updating and 9 for site organization.


cumming in the ass

Source: xvideos

The objective is to redo the survey every six months, so that the public that accesses us can always leave their suggestions and evaluations, in order to always seek to improve and maintain our accesses.

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