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Anal sex: everything you ever wanted to know

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Who never felt like having anal sex, let the first stone be removed. Because if there's one thing that really turns you on, both in men and women, it's anal sex. Is it or is not it? It gives so much, that there comes a time when we don't even know what to do. If not, put it into practice.

And now, I want to ask you a question: have you done it? And if not, why not? Are you going to tell me it's because your partner or partner didn't agree? If that's the answer, it's time to use dialogue to change that reality and put other questions into practice. It makes no sense to live with the thought that you wanted to do something and didn't do it for others.

Take this advice from someone who is sure your whole life will change when you have anal sex. Seriously, it really is something from another world. But now, let's leave my opinion aside, to clear your doubts and make you finish this article with the certainty that you need to practice.

anal and oral

Source: Pornpics

Now let me tell you just one more thing, especially if you're a woman. Knowing about the subject, having knowledge about it, will help you a lot in terms of not getting nervous. People, when they understand, read about it, end up doing it much more easily precisely for that reason. Because as they know what they are doing, things become much easier.

Anal sex: shall we put it into practice?

It is important to keep in mind that the rectum canal is about seven inches long. Thus, on the outside of it, the anus is found. The same can be controlled, including in the sense of tightening it or, if you prefer, relaxing it, when we evacuate. It is therefore considered a volunteer.

But now we have the first but. There is another muscle, which is called the internal sphincter. And over him, we have no control. But when we are calm, relaxed, so is he. That's why the importance of calm at this moment. Because the two muscles work as if they were in harmony. One is calm, the other is too.

And, in case you didn't know, relaxation is so important, because it's precisely the sphincter that causes or doesn't cause pain. If the person is too tense, the pain will be much greater.

Another very common doubt is how penetration should be done. This detail is very important. In no way violent, it must happen slowly and progressively. Always taking into account the partner and what he is feeling. Nothing to force him to do something that is not pleasant. Anal sex is pleasure.

Now, the question that doesn't want to shut up and that you certainly thought about: what about the urge to poop? What do you do with her? Especially in the first attempts, this is quite common. That's because, when the penis then arrives at the rectum, at first the sensation will be that, because your body is used to it. But, after feeling the pleasure that practice allows, everything changes.

And the positions? Is there better? Worse?

I know that when we think of anal sex, the first thing that comes to mind is getting down on all fours. But forget about that idea. That's because, especially at first, if you do this, the chances of feeling like pooping are very high.

I would say without thinking too much that the best position is the one that makes the woman comfortable. What makes her relaxed. Most choose to stay either on their side or lying on their stomachs.

After you put things into practice, you will realize that, in fact, they will be questions related to your preferences, which you will develop.

But for beginners, side to back is an excellent choice. Do you know what favors this position? Kisses and caresses on the neck and back, thus leaving both of you more excited and also relaxed. When removing the penis, it also has no danger of passing through the vagina, which would be very unhygienic.

Anesthetic ointment is not the best option. Do you know why? Both the anus and the penis, anesthetized, end up losing all sensitivity. Which will mean that, for example, if there is any pain or even injury, this is neither felt nor noticed, which becomes a big problem. Not to mention that many of the sensations, which are what make the thing fun, also end up being left out.

And what about the diseases that anal sex can bring?

Yes, this is a subject that certainly needs to be taken into account. Nobody wants to get a disease from some sexual practice.

And it is clear that anal sex allows for many more diseases because the anal mucosa easily absorbs viruses and agents such as HIV. Even because of the local traumas that may happen.

The condom is now the best form of prevention. Including diseases such as hepatitis and gonorrhea, for example. We tend to only think about AIDS, but there are many other problems.

It is worth remembering that anal sex never causes a woman to become pregnant, but it can generate many infections. And do thinking about it, no one deserves it. Therefore, it is important to have all this knowledge and thus, to take care of ourselves so that this concern goes far from being ours.

Now, a myth that is widespread is that anal sex causes cancer. It doesn't. Because the man's prostate does not grow with practice, different from what many say.

Doing a little warm-up, in the bath itself, with a game where you put your finger or that of your partner there, helps a lot. It's like a preparation.

And about the positions that give the most pleasure to the woman? How about reading a little? I'm sure this and other articles will be very much to your liking! Then come back and tell me what you think.

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