Porn » porn actress » Angela White: 34 years of a lot of history

Angela White: 34 years of a lot of history

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Angela White is an Australian who leaves us simply impacted with her body, curves and possibilities in porn. Standing at five foot five, she impresses not only men, but many women as well.

angela white


To get an idea of ​​her career, the porn actress who started her activities in 2003, today has five hundred and forty films in acting and one hundred and thirty as a director.

Even, in addition to Angela White, this is something very common in this area: doing works varying in performances and directions. Some actresses even at some point decide to direct just when they no longer want to act. Due to various specifications, such as family, age, anyway.

Thus, one of its differentials is that it has a website . This makes her stand out individually as well. Not that the other porn actresses can't get that prominence without the page. But when they depend on other tools to be disclosed, not everything necessarily turns out exactly as they want.

It is noteworthy that Angela White, in addition to being a porn actress and director, is also known for having won several awards as an Australian erotic model. Also, with that little face and that body, it would be strange if he didn't win.

But, how about getting to know a little more about Angela White's story and how it all started? Mainly in the sense of sexual desires?

angela white


Angela White and her story in pornography

She was one of the earliest actresses to break into the porn industry. To give you an idea, she was still in high school when she made that decision. So at eighteen she had her first scene filmed. She claims to be bisexual. And that, since his adolescence. So much so that she ended up being heavily criticized for it. Some people called her a lesbian and a whore, which made her very upset, but it never made her give up on her dreams.

However, it was when she started an Arts course that some feminist criticism began to get worse. Women said that pornography was not positive for women's image. Of course, Angela White didn't agree and to prove them wrong, she proceeded to conduct several surveys. Because, in them, women from the pornographic industry were interviewed and told their experiences. In addition to making it clear how positive they were in many ways.

And yes, she managed to prove through these studies, that pornography can not only be a positive space for women, but can transform many of them, in every way.

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So much so that, in 2013, she ended up launching her film company. Her productions are impeccable, including her performances. Lots of anal sex and even triple penetrations. And since then, she hasn't stopped. Everything she does is sure success.

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