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Watching porn helps you get laid

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The act of watching porn movies is still considered a taboo by many people. But, did you know that this type of content can help a lot during sex?

That's right! Several studies have already been developed showing all the benefits that Content for ages 18+ can bring, as long as consumed in moderation.

And if you've been having trouble having a pleasurable relationship, maybe watching porn movies could be the solution!

Why watching porn movies can help you get laid?

Watching porn helps you get laid

Source: playback/myfreevrporn

A survey carried out by the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) showed that the French are very fond of watching adult content. Among the people who participated in the survey, 90% of men stated that they watch videos and films with erotic content, and 60% of women also revealed that they enjoyed content of this type.

Furthermore, the same study showed that those people who watched this type of content tended to have a much more active sex life than those who did not.

The researchers were unable to pinpoint the exact factor that causes movies to help in the H-hour, but possibilities include:

  • The person feels more confident knowing what they need to do;
  • Creativity is touched on in relation to sex;
  • The person is not so shy about what gives him pleasure.

But, of course, the fact of watching porn movies in a healthy way is not when the person spends hours a week on pornographic sites. Moderation is needed to view this type of content so it doesn't end up taking the place of actual sex.

Also, many people don't know, but there is porn video addiction, which is not unhealthy for anyone!

Other benefits of watching porn movies

In addition to helping with sex, watching porn movies is a practice that can generate other benefits for your sex life, such as:

Decreases stress and anxiety

One of the benefits of including this type of content in your routine is that it helps reduce stress. After all, you manage to let out all the accumulated tensions, but in the comfort of your home.

Many people even end up using this type of trick in those weeks when stress seems greater than ever.

Watching porn movies helps fight insomnia

One more advantage of watching porn movies is that these videos for adults also help fight insomnia when you watch them while masturbating. Masturbation helps your body relax, while movies stimulate your sexual desire.

So when you have orgasm the body is immediately totally relaxed. Because of this, including, that many people prefer to see this content before bed.

Understand your own desires better

Many people have difficulties understanding their own desires. After all, there are fetishes for all tastes.

It turns out that for the most part, it's difficult to get to the partner and say what you really like, if not even the person understands. And watching porn movies can be helpful in this regard.

When you see this content, you can more easily embrace your sexuality. After all, you get access to all kinds of particulars involving sex.

And with that, it's much easier to understand what you really like and then expose it to your partner.

These are just some of the benefits of watching porn movies. Of course, always in moderation. They can be great allies for those who want to explore their own sexuality in depth, and even improve their lives together.

How to use porn movies to improve your sex life

Watching porn helps you get laid 1

Source: reproduction/sexual alpha

If you like watching porn, we'll give you some tips below on how to use it to improve your sex life. Check out!!!

watch two

One of the ways to use this type of content to improve your sex life is to watch videos together. Many couples watch these little films together to give that libido aroused.

Others use them as inspiration for sex time. Anything goes to recover the couple's fire and passion.

See new things to practice in real sex

One more way you can use porn movies to improve your sex life is to use them to learn new things. The truth is that we can always learn something new when it comes to sex.

Whether it's a new position, a daring fantasy, or even a sex toy. And adult movies are excellent in that sense.

You will definitely find things you never even imagined. And you can chat with your partner or partner to include this in the couple's routine.

Create fantasies for two

One more tip on how to use this type of content to improve your life as a couple is to create fantasies for two based on the movies. There are extremely creative porn movies that can help you be more creative in sex.

Who says sex has to boil down to traditional Friday sex Mom and Dad? There is a world of possibilities that can be put into practice.

From the fantasy of the policeman who wants something in return to release the miscreant, to more particular things, like fantasies involving science fiction. When it comes to sex, anything goes, and porn movies can help the couple explore other non-traditional possibilities.


As you can see above aWatching porn movies can bring many benefits to your sex life. From broadening your horizons when it comes to sex, to stimulating your libido.

However, you have to keep in mind that excess of this type of content is not healthy, as well as excess of several other things. Adult content should be a complement, a way to stimulate the physical act, but should never replace real sex.

So start watching porn movies, but in moderation. That way you will see how they will make all the difference in your sex life. Either alone or with two.

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