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Bisexual: the woman is always, says study

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Studies show that, no woman is heterosexual. Either she is homosexual or bisexual.

To prove one of them, which was done by a University of England, more than three hundred women underwent a test. It worked like this: videos with scenes of both men and naked women were shown to the women.

And, while watching, it was analyzed whether their pupils would dilate in relation to the sexual stimulus they would have.


Source: Spotlight

Women themselves should classify themselves as heterosexual or not. And those who claimed to be, were stimulated by both the men they saw and the women. As for those who said they were lesbians, they felt much more attracted to women, as could be imagined.

Therefore, the proof that all women should be considered bisexual has been completed. It is noteworthy that the answers given by lesbians were much closer to those we usually hear from men: the statement that only women attract them.

And the test really backed it up: lesbians had almost no arousal from seeing men. While heterosexuals, or at least those who claimed to be, were divided.

Does this mean that all women will want to be with others?

No. They simply feel excited in some way, especially when in contact with videos and photos that lead to this idea. But that doesn't mean they're going to want to be with other women. However, being bisexual does not have to bring actions.

bisexual 2

Source: Arnolds


It is clear that from these stimuli, yes, they can discover that they really like women and thus, want to change their sexual option, but it is not a rule.

Even because, it is something very relative and that can only be at the moment.

Is there a specific age at which the decision is more present?

No. Neither age nor rules. However, older women claim that, due to different reasons, such as indignation or frustration with men, they end up choosing to have relationships with other women.

Older women also claim to have more autonomy, freedom, to assume their sexual option without fear. Thus, weddings are even made in a much larger number.

Not that they weren't already lesbians or had a preference for women before, but it's a good time to come out.

Women tend to be more companions and thus, several common arguments between couples formed by a man and a woman can be avoided.

Will they always show their bisexual side?

No. Often other people won't even know. But it is known that all of them will be attracted by others.

So, even if they don't say it loud and clear, they have this characteristic.

Men should be a little careful with this issue, including. That's because not everyone likes the idea that others are hinting at things. And yes, for the man it is something exciting, to think that the woman wants another.

It is even the fetish of many: having more than one sexually speaking woman at their disposal.

What makes women choose to be bisexual?

Many things. Among them, some points that will be brought next.

  • Intimacy: women like to be intimate in their relationships and when they are together with another person of the same sex, this is much easier. The woman understands the other, she is close, she understands, things that men don't always do. So, she creates intimacy with the other in a much more intense and faster way than in the midst of her relationships with men. Especially because many women are attracted to their friends, people they've been living with for some time. And that just goes to prove that it goes a long way on how much they know each other and enjoy each other's company as well.
  • sexual pleasure: for men, sexual pleasure is kind of general. They simply do the sex act and get what they want. There is not always concern whether the woman will feel pleasure too. For women, however, things are quite different. Thus, it is not always possible to get there at the time of sex. When it comes to the relationship between women, then, as they know exactly what the other likes, the chances of success and the pleasure being reciprocated are much greater.

Depth and identification

  • Depth in the link: the relationship in general, not just when it comes to sex, ends up being much deeper. That's because women are intense and like people who are like that too. And with men, that's not always possible. Thus, the relationship with depth is found among lesbians and the option is often made because of this. Many, when they choose to assume their relationships, even move in together quickly, due to the intensity of their feelings.


  • Women identify: as already said, women understand each other, identify with each other, find in the other person exactly what they wanted. So the chances of her being bisexual are great. And, with regard to man, this encounter is not always possible.
  • Frustrations in other relationships: men usually have a profile and characteristics that women do not always like. Even more so when these ended up frustrating the woman for some reason. So, their search ends up being for characteristics they haven't found before, such as maturity, for example.

Other points on the bisexual side

It is noteworthy that it is not necessarily just one of these that will occur in each case. There are those who have been frustrated and still believe they have more pleasure with women, for example, as well as those who identify with and seek depth in the relationship. And so on. The variation is large.

In addition to these aspects, there are still those that cannot be explained as options that people are born with and, for this reason, there is nothing to explain.

Therefore, the cases cannot be general, but analyzed individually.

It is worth remembering that, as well as one of the items mentioned, one of the reasons why women do not assume their sexual preferences is precisely the lack of understanding of others in this regard.

Thus, respect must be general, after all, the choice belongs to each person. And, it is she who decides if she will take her tastes into account or if she will simply leave them aside.

If your question concerns the female orgasm, there is a specific article about it on our website.

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