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Sex Bondage: A guide to clear all your doubts

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Bondage It is a modality of sex that has gained more and more followers. The time has come to clear your doubts about this type of fetish and make the most of this experience.

Bondage: Learn more about this practice

O became quite famous after the success of the film, which tells the story of a young millionaire named Christian Gray, who ends up fascinated by a literature student who is quite inexperienced in terms of sex.

Even so, the girl ends up getting entangled in his plot and discovering the pleasure of the submissive sex, sadomasochist.

After having seen the film, many people were also interested in knowing more about this subject, which has always been seen as somewhat taboo by many, but which has become something romanticized after being portrayed in Hollywood.

The word bondage comes from French and its literal translation means binding, in English it means servitude or slavery, and there would be no better term to baptize this type of practice.

submissive sex


Some people confuse it with the BDSM, but the truth is that the bondage it is a technique of BDSM, did you know?

To leave no doubt, this and other questions about this controversial topic will be addressed in this complete guide, to make everyone an expert on this subject!

What is bondage sex?

Probably, when you hear this word, one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is a practice with different sex toys, such as whips, handcuffs, hot candles and other forms of pleasure that involve pain, but if you thought that way, know that you made a mistake!

the sex bondage consists of immobilizing your partner's body at the time of sex. This immobilization can be done with many things, ropes, handcuffs, tapes, whatever the imagination sends and is within reach at the right time.

In this practice, there is a game of domination x submission, where one of the partners, usually the one to be tied up, is the submissive figure during sex. In addition to the ties, other objects can also be used to put this fetish into practice, such as blindfolds, and there are even suitable clothes for the act, which bring a greater aura of sensuality to the game.

The rise of practice

If we are going to speak historically, the bondage originated in Japan, and was also called shibari, which means bandage. At that time, it was far from being a practice to spice up sexual intercourse, in fact, it was used to immobilize prisoners, but over the years its use has been modified until it gained the status it has today, for example.

What's the difference between bondage and BDSM?

This is a very common question, as we mentioned in the introduction. Many people confuse these two nomenclatures, believing that they are the same thing, but the BDSM is an acronym for a set of sexual practices, which means: bondage, domination/discipline, submission and sadomasochism.

When we talk about bondage, it is only about dominating, having control of the situation, the dominant is the one who holds the reins and decides what the other should do, already in the BDSM this modality is also present, but together with the others mentioned above.

The advantages of bondage

Contrary to what some people think, a fetish is not just mere fun for two in bed, it covers much more issues.

Science has already studied the subject and according to a survey carried out by Ball State University, where more than 4 thousand people were interviewed, they discovered the 6 most common sexual fantasies among couples, and in this list, the bondage appears as a practice that most people have fantasized about at least once in their lives and that carrying out these fetishes helps to improve the complicity between the couple and other things:

  • Practice has the ability to change blood flow to the brain and create positive mental states, just as it does when we meditate;
  • Scientists have proven that the participant who plays the submissive role achieves a feeling of happiness, while the dominant one has a state of greater concentration;
  • It helps you learn more about your body and that of your partner;
  • It will help introduce more and more new experiences;
  • Increases the excitement of both practitioners;
  • Increases the couple's complicity and trust;

How to start bondage sex?

If the idea of ​​carrying out this type of fetish attracts you, the best way to start is by getting a partner you trust, or if you already have one, talk, find out what the other person's opinion on the subject is, set limits, talk about what excites you the most and define the roles of each one in this joke.

Starting this way is essential, as it will allow both of you to stop the act if you exceed the established limit.

Also, it's good to avoid alcohol and other mind-numbing substances for safety reasons when you're a beginner, as this can make one partner lose control of the situation. Also, it's interesting to know some accessories that help make sex much more exciting.

bondage sex accessories

As we have already mentioned, there are some complements to give you that extra inspiration when carrying out this fetish. Certainly some of these accessories will please those who intend to start this adventure. There are several, collars, handcuffs, whips, blindfolds and very sexy clothes to start the game.



There are several types of handcuffs in bondage sex, from the common ones that only hold the hands, as well as some that hold hands and feet, leaving the person completely immobile. It's important to choose softer models that don't hurt your partner.



They have several uses. They can be just to give an extra sensuality in the sex, as well as they can be used to fasten chains, breasts, etc.

necklace with fringes

necklace with fringes

An accessory placed on the submissive person in the experiment. It has rings to hold chains and fringes that serve to pull the partner and show who is in control.

choker with strap

choker with strap

Another accessory that serves to pull and dominate the partner. It reminds a lot of a collar and that's the goal. They can be large or small, the important thing is to choose one that immobilizes the body of the other in the desired way.



Let's agree that sex with an air of mystery is always delicious! Many bondage practitioners like to use masks in their experiences, as it is something that increases the partner's sensual side much more.



In other words, this accessory that is so important for a good domination experience could not be missing. The whip here does not necessarily need to be used to hurt, as in BDSM, it can be used to spice up the sex and make the partner submissive.

Start new sex positions

In bondage, anything goes in terms of sexual position, and they are several, some are well known, but any one is worth it, the important thing is to choose the one you like the most and enjoy a moment of intense pleasure.

bondage bondage




Therefore, after knowing a little about this sexual modality that has increasingly aroused the interest of many people, you will definitely be able to master it when it comes to practice.

Remember that it's important to avoid what you don't like, and surrender only to what brings comfort during sex. Now all you have to do is buy your favorite accessories and throw yourself into that discipline that will allow you to get the most pleasure possible.

For more topics like this, you can also check out the fun facts about sex that maybe you don't know and have never heard of. The article indicated is worth reading.

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