Porn » porn actress » Brandi Love: The hottest milf in porn

Brandi Love: The hottest milf in porn

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Brandi Love is one of the hottest mature actresses to ever come across the porn industry. So, check out some fun facts about her.

Brandi Love is a very common name among those who like to see mature women in action in porn. The blonde is 49 years old and has a tremendous body, which gets better and better as the years go by.
The actress, whose real name is Tracey Lynn Livermore, was born on March 29, 1973 in North Carolina.

The beginning of everything

Brandi started her pornographic career in 2004, however, it was restricted to her own website. It wasn't until 2007 that the actress threw herself into the industry for real, working with some of the best production companies. Since she started her career, until the present day, there have been more than 380 scenes.

Facts about Brandi

She joined the industry late

brandi love

Generally in the porn industry we see actresses start quite early. The average age is from 18 or 20 years old. However, Brandi settled on tickets at the age of 30, an age range where many actresses retire.

She came from a very conservative family.

brandi love

The blonde was born into a family with conservative values, her parents are Presbyterian, however, she has always considered herself rebellious. In her youth, she played sax and played soccer, contrary to her family, who wanted her to play piano and do ballet.

Actress's favorite movie

brandi love

She has acted in several films, among them, some parodies based on successful works. In this way, she revealed that the film in which she most enjoyed acting was This Ain't Game of Thrones in 2014. The porn is based on the hit series.

Brandi tends to work long hours

brandi love

Once the actress revealed that she spends 8 to 12 hours on the set daily. Preparation involves make-up and photos as well as sex. In addition, scenes and photos are sometimes repeated several times. This shows that working in porn is not a piece of cake as many people think.

The actress leads a quiet life as a family mother.

brandi love

Brandi Love leads a quiet life off-screen. The hot blonde is a dedicated mother, who prepares her children's breakfast and takes them to school every day. The actress says she never missed a school event for her children.

She is a successful entrepreneur

In addition to filming, Brandi Love has a business with her husband that focuses on creating custom labels. She also runs her official website, where various videos and photos of her can be purchased.

love on social media

The MILF is very successful on social media. She has 1 million followers on Twitter and over 700 million views on her Pornhub channel.

Images: Pornpics

Finally, these were some curiosities about Brandi Love. That way, be sure to continue honoring the work of this hot porn crown.

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