In recent years, the debate about prostitution has become popular. Whenever there is a greater number of different opinions, in many cases, the participation in the debate of the professionals themselves, who remember that not all sex work needs to be slave. In short, abolitionism coexists with other, less restrictive views, even within feminism. so a call girl tells what he learned in this profession.
Nobody likes to talk about prostitution, nor does it make it visible in our lives. However, many people who do not contemplate what they say to themselves on the horizon, have no qualms about stating that prostitution can be a way of life for “some” women.
That women in the sex industry 'work' with their bodies is beyond doubt. Your sexuality is your work tool is undoubted. That they earn little money from this activity and that they are economically and sexually exploited is unquestionable. They attract a lot of money from women's bodies, there can be no doubt. Therefore, the question is the following: if women who are in prostitution earn a low 'salary' with their bodies, why not consider this activity a normal profession?
Prostitution is known even today as a method of work that has evolved over time, to the point of being used to survive, buy daily bread and have a decent life and is practiced in much of the world.
Even so, and taking into account that the main factor is economic need, this work has become a way to obtain pleasure and satisfaction at any economic level.
Whatever the reason, prostitution sustains a society by preventing men who cannot be faithful from keeping their marriage.
Although much has been studied about how prostitutes draw boundaries between their personal and professional lives, pleasure is a more unexplored field, especially for female workers.
What is known is that it is traditionally considered that desire is inevitable and that it must always be present in relationships. Although it seems so contradictory and incorrect to talk about their desire when they are “acting” with their clients.
There is a tendency to talk about prostitutes as empowered or exploited, or happy and carefree, or drug addicts pressured by pimps to exercise against their will. From Christianity, biomedicine and psychoanalysis, prostitutes are also often considered victims.
It is also difficult to talk about the pleasure of prostitutes, because for many it means retracing their previous steps to rid them of the stigma of sinners. But she can like to sleep someone and also get paid.
When talking about sexuality, there is always the same repetitive issue - and sometimes tiresome that is under the spotlight of the male gender: the size of the male member. Despite being an "older than fire" debate - which seems like it will never be extinguished for the former call girl, size has half the impact on the relationship.
Sexual fantasy is another erotic resource that can help us sexualize and enjoy ourselves, as well as erotic toys, pornographic videos, etc. As long as we fantasize, there will be no consequences of these actions and we will be able to pay everything, as well as we will not be judged nor should we balance.
In addition, we can decide whether to share or keep it private. It's another tool for enjoying sexuality and it's available to all people who fantasize about sex.
One of the biggest risks is that we tend to believe that everything we imagine on a sexual level is a desire and putting it into practice, it doesn't have to be that way. We can imagine robbing a bank, but that doesn't mean we're potential thieves.
All wage labor consists of performing work in return for financial compensation. The worker sells his own talent, a part of his being, during the time he needs to dedicate to the assigned task.
The practice of prostitution follows exactly the same scheme: the worker provides a service and asks for a certain amount of money. This service is “provided” by a specific dimension of your person, by sexual capacity, for a limited period of time.
if the call girls If they know how to take advantage of what the world of prostitution offers, they can build a career that in the future, if they retire, they feel comfortable financially.
Despite the similarity with common work, the “” is insulted and reproached endlessly. A good example of this is the frequent use of intentionally offensive and defamatory words or expressions that include an explicit and pejorative reference to this working condition: “son of a bitch”, “you are a whore”, “I screw everything up on you son of a bitch”. whore", etc.
This way of approaching another person is surprising, because there is nothing objectionable about being a whore. In essence, it's no different than being a teacher, writer, doctor, or designer. However, this equality of work is not recognized, as we often see, hear and express it. The implicit recognition of inequality, by contrast, is vehement and resounding.
This explains the hidden journey. They carry out this work secretly or discreetly, without making it completely clear in the eyes of their relatives and those around them.
Prostitution belongs to that dark terrain of collective life, to those singularities that a group does not recognize as its own and even rejects, despite its inevitable presence.
Half of the men who prostitute themselves are married or live with their partners. Contrary to popular belief, customers are not limited to scoundrels, drug addicts, etc. However, consumers of services are also parents, workers, etc.
They seek the service for many reasons, but maintain their marriages and participation in society as citizens of the common good. In addition, they flee the profile of explorer that is established in the collective imagination.