Many people still have doubts when it comes to call girls e luxury escorts. Many men even hesitate when they go looking for some of these professionals, not knowing which of the two is the one they are looking for. To make that clear once and for all, we've made a list of the main similarities and differences between these two classes of professionals, so you know which one is right for you.
Many people believe that a companion it's only one professional do sex, the one who receives money to have sex with other men, but this is a very limited way of seeing the work of these women. One luxury escort is wanted for a lot more things than you might think, and not just casual sex.
In the past, it was quite common to find advertisements for these professionals in newspaper and magazine classifieds. Without the option of showing their potential in images, they used creativity as a resource, making ads that aimed to attract the attention of potential customers. There were many, such as: 19 year old brunette with the perfect butt, big breasts and perfect curves, who love to serve the customer well and have their own place, in addition to serving in motels.
This type of ad worked very well, but these professionals have evolved with the internet age. Nowadays, advertisements are much more elaborate, made through websites specialized in this type of professional. Customers can check out sensual trials and filter the desired women by body type, as well as common tastes.
But what are the differences between luxury escort e call girl?
In order for the subject to be clear once and for all, it is important to list some issues that differentiate these professionals.
Many call girls They say they are luxury escorts, but that's not true, as many of them only have sex in exchange for money. That's basically it, the call girl or GP, settle the cost of the program with the client, they mark the desired location, the duration of the program and after the sex it's each one for his side.
With the luxury escort, this issue goes much further, as these women can live up to their nomenclature and work as companions for clients, not just as someone who has sex causally. Several types of men seek their services many times just to talk, as incredible as that may seem. Often, what they don't find at home, they end up looking for in these women, not only in bed, but also as a companion with whom they can vent and tell about their day.
While call girls are found in various places, such as clubs, rave parties, on street corners, in advertisements and even relationship apps, luxury escorts have specific locations, usually agencies or websites specializing in this type of professional. In addition to having more security in the search for these escorts, there are even more options to choose from and the possibility of talking to the girl to see if chemistry happens.
The difference between call girls and escorts can also be seen in the fees for each one. While most girls charge between 50 and 500 reais for the program, many escorts charge a much higher amount, because usually the clients who seek them, do not just aim for a period of sex, they insist on the company of these women, to social events, trips, etc.
There are several very intelligent call girls, but this is not a rule in the profession, while escorts practically have an obligation to have a cultured life. Many of these women have a university degree, as well as knowledge of other languages and most of them have traveled, getting to know other countries and cultures. You can be sure that when you go out with one of these girls, she won't look bad at any social event.
Many call girls don't have the option to choose which clients they want to go out with, some can do this when they already have a consolidated career in the business, but that's not the majority. As for the luxury escorts, they make their own schedule, as many of them work in other areas during their day to day, so they have the possibility to select which men they want to meet.
As we've already said, you can find very professional call girls in the most varied places, it's always good to follow recommendations to find out more about the selected girl, but we know that nowadays it's not so simple. Meeting someone at a club or on an app can be quite risky, which is why escorts give preference to agencies and websites.
Luxury escorts are true sugar babies, and for those who don't know this term yet, they are younger women. Who have some kind of relationship with older men in exchange for benefits. Many of them are pampered by customers, who pay from amounts much higher than those charged. Even extremely expensive gifts such as jewelry and such. Many of them become so beloved by customers that they even get vehicles. That's why nowadays, so many girls are interested in getting into this business.
If your only desire is to have sex with someone, stay away from luxury escorts. This woman is for those who want to have almost a girlfriend for as long as they are with her. If you are looking for something more differentiated than pure and simple sex, it is worth looking for an escort.
These girls go way beyond sex, we've talked about it several times. They are good conversationalists and for clients who want pleasant company, these women are the best partners they can find. With them, boredom will go away, not to mention that if the guy is resistant, he can still enjoy and have more than one sexual relationship with these babes.
Therefore, these were the differences between these two professionals, call girls and luxury escorts. We make it clear that this is not a rule, there are professionals of all kinds on both sides. If you are interested in going out with a call girl or a luxury escort, above all it is important to know well the type of girl you are looking for. Hearing recommendations from friends and even other customers is a good thing!
There are several forums and sites on the internet that specialize in evaluating these professionals. This will make you and her feel much more secure when you meet. Don't forget the condom either. From giving a degree in personal hygiene and appearance and just enjoy the delights of having an experience with these wonderful women. To learn more about these girls, check out best dating sites.