Work as camgirl has become very popular in recent years. Although they are still targets of prejudice, since many people associate this work with prostitution, which is quite different.
Nowadays many women have seen an opportunity to earn good money by working in front of a webcam showing their best attributes, however, there are many doubts in the minds of those who are interested in joining this branch.
Many women look for reliable sites to work with, others want to know how they can do it on their own, however, a common question for all of them is regarding the salary of a camgirl. This is a question where the answer depends a lot on the commitment of each girl.
Many women with regular jobs have already left everything behind in order to work in front of a camera. They are teachers, salespeople and even lawyers, who left their bureaucratically boring jobs behind to venture into something totally different.
For the professionals who chose this option, the service pays off, but there is a downside, as in any liberal profession, which is the uncertainty of profits. In a good week you can earn well, but the following week you can earn nothing. You have to be prepared to face these mishaps if you want to stay in the profession.
On many internet sites we see ads recruiting girls interested in becoming camgirls and several of them talk about exorbitant earnings, around R$ 5 to R$ 25, however, many sites offer these amounts in dollars. Are these gains real?
The earnings of a camgirl vary a lot and some requirements are necessary to define these values. It is necessary to know if the camgirl is experienced or a beginner, the type of public she serves, the fetishes she is willing to perform and the amount of hours that the professional dedicates to her work, in addition to the number of followers she has.
One of the camgirl with some experience can earn 20 times more than a beginner. A girl who is starting now has to prepare to start with modest earnings, some can earn R$ 100 during an hour, others take several days to achieve.
The important thing is not to get discouraged, seek to improve and seek a differential that catches the attention of followers. This is a fundamental step towards becoming a top-notch camgirl and being able to earn a lot of money in the profession.