Porn » Sex » Masturbation: Did you know that there is a commemorative month?

Masturbation: Did you know that there is a commemorative month?

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A lot of people don't know, but there is the masturbation month, and it's in May, with the 31 days dedicated to commemorating this act of solitary pleasure, which is above all a question of self-love, so let's talk a little about masturbation, bringing some data on the topic within the porn universe and showing some interesting curiosities about the act.

O Pornhub he is always present here, because his research on the subject of sex is always very interesting, and on the subject of masturbation, it could not be different. Recently, the site released some data on searches for this word and concluded that the public's preference in the first place is videos where someone practices masturbation in a public environment, such as parks, inside the car and several other places where there is the risk of getting caught.

The growing search for female masturbation videos

searches for female masturbation, are superior to those involving men masturbating. This shows how much they like to see women do this act too. Much of their curiosity is because for many, masturbation is a taboo. There are women who swear up and down that they never did it, for fear of being judged as promiscuous, since for many years masturbation was something exclusive to men, as if only they felt this need, which is a terrible mistake, since surveys show that at least 70% of them have masturbated at least at some point in their lives.

month masturbation

month masturbation

Another highly searched term in the Pornhub, involves the masturbation practiced by several people together, like those videos where the guy catches the girl masturbating and decides to participate, or those where “brothering” rolls loose, with friends giving a helping hand to each other. Videos that show people ejaculating after masturbation are also among the top 10 most searched videos in this category.

Who else searches for masturbation on websites?

Women are 24% more likely to search for videos with this theme compared to men. The popularity of this type of content also increases by age group, with people over 34 as the main audience for this type of material. Another interesting fact is that middle-aged people, those over 55 years old, are part of those who are 50% more interested in these videos.

full masturbation


In the chart below, the top 20 searches related to masturbation are shown, according to the target audience, male or female. Many of these categories end up being shared by both, but we can see that there is a different preference in several others. Male masturbation is 305% more popular among them, while videos where men receive instructions on how to masturbate are 51% more popular among them.

Curiosities about masturbation

1. The masturbation causes happiness

It is proven by science that the act of masturbating releases dopamine and oxytocin, substances that elevate our mood. You can learn more in other articles that scientifically prove the and you will see that it has many advantages.

2. Helps improve your sex life

Practitioners of this solitary pleasure end up having a more satisfying sex life, as they end up getting rid of the accumulation of sexual desire, which ends up delaying ejaculation at the time of sex.

3. Improves your breathing

A lot of people don't even realize it, but the act of masturbating helps to contract the blood vessels, which helps with breathing, so when you have a stuffy nose, it's worth trying a five against one to help.

4. Prevents cancer

Masturbating, according to a study carried out in Australia, helps to avoid cancer. Those who are adept at this practice at least twice a week are at less risk of acquiring this disease.

5. It's an excellent medicine!

According to research, the act of masturbating can have the same efficiency as a painkiller, relieving some pain. In addition, not to mention that it also prevents infections and relieves the pain of menstrual cramps.

  • As we've seen, masturbating is a healthy practice that everyone should know about. Solitary pleasure is so good that this is reflected in erotic sites, showing that people are really interested in the subject.
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