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How is the life of a Call Girl?

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The profession of call girls is the oldest in the world and yet, it manages to be older than you can imagine. Want to know a little more about this profession? Then follow the article “What is the life of a Call Girl like?” !

Call Girl: When It All Began

This profession already existed even before you, your parents, your grandparents and your great-grandparents were born, how crazy, right? This all started in the prehistoric period, when women were responsible for the vast majority of food collection that society consumed at the time, when they were also the main caregivers of their children and many other things that happened at the time.

Over time, the need to work arose, as some time later women end up being discriminated against in the workplace and then forced to stay at home, taking care of their homes. 

Even today, many women suffer from inequality. This still happens even if they say that this has already diminished and that, in fact, women are gaining ground. The fact is that not all of them managed to find their place and some had to go into prostitution, either because of the conditions of not getting a job, not having money and so on.

Later (and when we say it's late, it's really late), in 2002, here in Brazil, prostitution was finally accepted as a profession, worthy even to the point of being recognized and being the breadwinner of thousands of women and men.

Source: playback/pornpics

Even if this profession is legalized, there are still many taboos about the lives of these people who need the hard-earned money they receive. There are still many prejudices and it is still very much related to perversion, the dirty market of stereotypes and many other things. 

It is for these reasons that here we are going to mention 05 things about the lives of call girls that you don't know and that, probably, will help you to break prejudices of this profession. And more than that, also show what the life of a call girl is like. Follow!

05 situations you need to know about the life of a call girl

As previously mentioned, there are people who enter prostitution out of necessity and others, to try it out and stay there… Well, there are hypotheses and hypotheses, realities and realities, situations and situations. 

But in fact, all of them, at some point, came across the following feelings:

1. Situations of need: call girl

There are those who entered this profession out of desire, but if we carry out a survey, we will discover that the vast majority did so due to lack of money, food at home and extreme situations where they saw no way out (and then they found prostitution). 

While some like to be where they are, others cannot see another perspective on life and that's why they end up giving in to the profession, which by the way brings a lot of money. Despite the fact that, for those, any opportunity they had, they left this life without a second thought.

2. Situations of prejudice: call girl

You probably know the ones known as: companions, sex workers suffer from prejudice. It's really hard to suffer prejudice and not be able to change your life (in the case of those who have no other option). 

The fact is that this situation is complicated. These prejudices have been fed for years and reversing the situation is not that simple. They are sometimes seen as slutty and discredited and may suffer these prejudices coming from family, even close friends and even by their customers (the very ones who seek them out). 

3. Like a nothing

They are not prostitutes, or people, or seen as girls who fight for life, they are just nothing, sex slaves, objects and period. This is how they are seen by society and how they are treated. 

4. Be more than one night of sex

Working in the field of sex does not mean not having feelings. Casual sex does not mean lack of feeling and/or love. They feel it too, and sometimes much more. Have you ever thought about that situation: falling in love with a guy who is married and who sought you out, having to continue doing various programs and pretending that everything is fine. Well, it happens, and a lot! You can be sure.

via pornpics playback

5. Reward: money

Despite the regrets, the reward is fair, and it comes: money. It's difficult sometimes to have to deal with people looking for you to have sex and end up venting about life, but money will fall into your hands and many times, it's a lot. The positive side is never to be hungry again or go through bad situations. 

6. Precarious situations

It is by no means a rule, but a very frightening reality. There are places that do not replace bed linen, that bath towels used by customers are only dried in the sun and returned to the room as if they were clean and so on…

7. Have sex several times a day

Whether you like it or not, having sex for 1 hour with the same client and then dealing with another five may not be as pleasurable as having sex normally is. In addition, the girls still need to keep their hygiene up to date and always be ready for whatever comes and goes. 

Well, these are just a few situations that a call girl can go through, but in reality, they are exposed to countless and diverse things that we can't even imagine. 

Although the profession is not well regarded by society, it is important to remember that these services are in high demand! By the way, there are some that work full time, removing all that mystification that they only work at night. 

Well… if you were curious to know what these girls' lives are like, here's a brief summary.

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