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How to avoid premature ejaculation?

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Have you ever wondered what characterizes someone with premature ejaculation? Hardly any man will time the time it takes to come during his sexual intercourse, but some have a lot of doubts about the topic. Sometimes men go through this problem without even imagining it, while others believe that due to the fact enjoy faster, have some kind of problem.

A premature ejaculation it is a dysfunction that affects 30% of men, causing them to ejaculate prematurely during sex. If the man ejaculates between 3 and 8 minutes, we can consider that this is a mild problem, which does not require much concern, however, if ejaculation happens right after penetration, this fact is considered a severe problem, which requires a lot of attention and a consultation with a specialist.



Causes of premature ejaculation

The causes of premature ejaculation can be several, but experts believe that 90% of cases of the problem are caused by psychological or environmental factors, while the remaining 10% originate from physiological problems.

Depression, insecurity, anxiety and stress are some psychological factors that can affect a man's sex life, leaving him predisposed to suffer from premature ejaculation. When he has any of these reported problems, the level of serotonin in the body drops, and it plays an important role on the emotional side and consequently in sexual relations.

Younger men are more likely to suffer from insecurity and anxiety before intercourse, all because of the lack of experience that ends up causing fear. These factors can trigger premature ejaculation, a problem that young people can carry into adulthood.

Other problems also cause premature ejaculation, such as inflammation in the prostate and urethra, in addition to other physiological causes, such as hypersensitivity of the glans.



How to avoid premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation has treatment, and some tips can help you avoid or improve the symptoms of this problem.

1. Masturbation



Men who don't have frequent sexual intercourse are at a greater risk of premature ejaculation in their relationships, so masturbation is so important. Keeping this habit regular will help to delay your ejaculation.

2. Avoid alcoholic beverages


Alcohol is a great villain for those who want to avoid the problem of premature ejaculation, however, smoking can also cause the problem.

3. Talk about the problem


Talking with the partner is important to start the process of improving this condition. Many men feel ashamed to expose the problem, but communication can help the couple to face this situation.

4. Spend more time on foreplay


The mistake of many people is believing that in sex, penetration is the most important thing. Research shows that 80% of women have difficulty enjoying penetration only, so take advantage of the foreplay, touch your partner's body, take your time, enjoying this wonderful moment between you.

5. Seek professional help: ejaculation

Source: shutterstock

Many men feel ashamed, however, facing the situation is the first step. Also, an expert can help you. The sooner you face the fact that you need help to resolve the issue quickly, the better. The doctor will know how to guide the problem, analyzing the best form of treatment, which can be with medicines, sprays and even alternative forms of treatment.

Premature ejaculation should not be ignored and much less treated as something that causes embarrassment and makes the man feel diminished. This is a difficult problem, however treatments have become increasingly effective in combating this condition. The important thing is to always seek a much healthier and more pleasurable sex life. To learn more about masturbation and ejaculation: a day for masturbation.

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