Many men who want to know how to get along on a date, research about flirting and ways of acting. But the truth is that if the guy doesn't know how to talk, the woman will hardly be interested in him.
Gone are the days when women didn't care about "macho" men who think that conquest comes down to having "footprint”. They want guys who can develop an interesting conversation on the date, but also on other occasions.
If you have difficulty in this regard and want to learn how to talk to women to get along on a date, keep reading this post and learn about some of the advantages of knowing how to talk to women and what you need to do to use this factor when dating. give on a date.
When it comes to how to get along on a date, conversation is undoubtedly one of the great pillars to be successful. After all, it is through good conversation that you can show the woman that you are interested.
In addition, knowing how to develop good communication, you can have a number of advantages, such as:
By improving your conversation skills and establishing more effective communications, in addition to getting the women you want, you can also improve your social life as a whole. That's because it will be much simpler to develop your interpersonal relationships.
Whether talking to the boss about a possible raise, or even making new friends.
Yes, knowing how to talk to other people can also improve your own self-esteem. That's because, through communication you can feel more confident.
Many men end up feeling insecure and with low self-esteem, precisely because they cannot talk to women and win them over. Because of this, by being able to put this type of skill into practice, you can increase your self-esteem.
Do you think that to pick up a woman you need a lot of money or a Brad Pitt beauty? You are wrong!
You can be the most handsome and richest man in the world, if you don't have a good conversation, women will continue to run away. If you really want to pick up a lot of interesting women, you need to develop your communication skills.
And these are just some of the benefits of knowing how to talk.
Want to know how to do well on a date? So check out some tips on how to develop a good conversation below:
Many men end up having difficulty making small talk on the date because they don't know what kind of topic to bring up. If your goal is really to conquer the woman you're going to meet, your preparation should start much earlier.
Research her likes on social media. Look at the posts and analyze what kind of subject she likes. If she posts a lot of photos at the gym, for example, tackle topics with a healthy or fitness vibe.
Monosyllabic answers are nothing more than “yes”, “no”, “maybe. It's those short and thick answers that usually close a subject. You can't do well on a date with that kind of response.
When you respond to a woman this way, she will understand that you have no interest in the subject, or even in herself. And if you want to catch her, obviously it's not going to be giving that kind of impression that you're going to get.
Women like men who engage in conversation, who answer their questions thoroughly. Even better if at the end you finish everything off with a “and you?”
If you're the type of man who just pretends he's listening, know that you're unlikely to get a really nice woman. That's because when you ignore the conversation, you miss great chances of showing yourself as a "fucking man".
For example, the girl you asked out is commenting that she loves to cook. You can finish off her answer with a “Wow, me too, I even know how to make an X dish that looks wonderful. We can arrange a day for me to cook for you. What do you think?"
Okay, in addition to demonstrating that you have a common interest, you've already set up a next meeting. And best of all, much more intimate and that can yield something more.
Sense of humor in the right measure makes any woman melt. And you'll only know how much humor you can use when meeting.
If you play the clown for a more serious woman, you won't get results. The same is true if you try to play serious man to a hottie who loves jokes.
When meeting with the girl, analyze the situation. Test the terrain little by little with small funny phrases and based on her reaction you will know if she can abuse her sense of humor or not.
Being a gentleman never hurts. And please don't confuse this with being sexist!
To be a gentleman is to say please and thank you, to be kind in words. Every woman likes to see that the man cares about her well-being, but without subjugating her.
And you can demonstrate this both in conversation and in attitudes. Be it praising the clothes, talking well about her work, being affectionate in words. All this will make a lot of difference!
The digital age has brought a series of advantages, and one of them is the fact that there are several relationship channels where you can put everything above into practice. If you are afraid of talking face to face with a woman you desire, practice through the virtual world.
Jump into a chat or even dating app and start developing a conversation using all the tricks above. On digital you can test the type of approach that works best and then perfect your strategy to do well at the right time.
Knowing how to get along on a date through conversation will make all the difference in your relationships. So be sure to put the tips into practice and see how much easier it will be to have a nice chat with women.