The Coronavirus is the subject of porn video sites, and for those who think that only the gel alcohol industry has been making money with the outbreak of Covid-19, better known as the coronavirus, got it wrong!
The porn industry has made a lot of money in this regard. As this is the general subject, what has really been talked about, the porn video sites decided to invest in content related to the theme.
To get an idea, just , there are already more than twenty videos that bring the theme. This was necessary, as an access strategy, at a time when there were more than eighty-three thousand searches related to the topic.
With all the tragic results involving the coronavirus, which have already surpassed more than three thousand deaths worldwide, this subject has reached the pornographic industry.
But case of , the number of scenes focused on the coronavirus has passed one hundred and twenty. Yes, because believe me, now, the coronavirus is the subject of videos on porn sites.
Not all content is free. Many of them are paid. The person can sign them by making the payment by credit card in a simple and easy way.
Pornhub has been releasing free premium subscriptions for residents of Italy.
PornHub announced a rise in traffic related to . Searches are related to the terms “coronavirus” or “corona virus”, its first appearance took place in January/2020 and in March/2020 other searches associated with “crown" or "Covid” exceed 1,5 million searches.
The reason for so many accesses and searches for these with regard to this content, it shows that people are trying to put fear aside, at least a little. And, adult entertainment is a great option in that case. It's like there's a need to find content that makes people feel alive. And they feel the same.
What most draws the attention of the population in general with regard to the topic is creativity on top of it. How much the adult industry managed to bring, in such a short time, so many possibilities. The Coronavirus is the subject of porn video sites and has come to be a topic that will be among the most accessed for a long time.
Mainly because this outbreak has no time to end and every day, more people remain in their homes in fear of what could happen. Automatically, they also look for leisure options, things to read and watch, other than just newspapers bringing increasingly drastic news.
If your question is about what the scenes bring, the possibilities are quite varied. But most rely on the idea of two people who are in medical settings, suffering from the quarantine. But, the desire for sex ends up speaking much louder than the fear of catching the virus. And then, the fuck happens.
The issue of protection in the midst of sex has also been a subject well treated by adult sites. Which show that there is no reason to think that things are good, but protection should never be forgotten.
Remembering that the idea of the videos is that they remain only in the imagination, are the famous fetishes. And do not, in any way, be put into practice, mainly because of the risks that this could generate.
Now, in case you want to know other most common fetishes, read The biggest male and female fetishes of all time, do not miss this content! Because you won't regret it!
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