A erectile dysfunction it is a problem that currently afflicts 30% of the male population of the planet, according to WHO (World Health Organization) data. In this way, the so-called impotence, is more common than you might think and every man must have gone through at least one episode of sexual impotence during his lifetime.
However, those whose dysfunction is something frequent, greater attention should be paid to the problem. usually the erectile dysfunction it is diagnosed by the patient himself, who often dies of shame and avoids looking for a doctor. In the view of many men, being “impotent” is a big taboo, in addition to believing that it is difficult to be cured, however, this is not the case.
Dysfunction can have physical or psychological causes and the latter are the most common. That way, often a change of habits can remedy the problem. So, check out some causes of erectile dysfunction:
Drug and alcohol use are strong contributors to erectile dysfunction. For men over 50, the use of these substances is more aggravating. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate or reduce the amount of alcohol ingested and try to practice physical exercises.
It is normal that every manbrox” at some point in life, however, if you can't get or can't keep a firm and lasting erection in most sexual intercourse, it's important to see a doctor.
The healthcare professional will talk to you and ask some necessary questions to assess the situation. If necessary, he will request some tests to rule out the physical causes of the problem or confirm and seek the best treatment. To the erectile dysfunction whose causes are psychological, Psychotherapy can be an excellent ally along with medication.
A erectile dysfunction it's not just about impotence, so other symptoms need to be noted. There is often a reduction in body hair, deformation of the penis and narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the lower limbs. Therefore, prevention and healthy habits should be part of the male universe.
Sleeping well, having a better diet and having a more active life, avoiding losing nights and using certain substances, is certainly the best option. Also, remember to carry out routine tests and consult a general practitioner or a urologist regularly.
Before starting any type of treatment, it is necessary to discover the causes of erectile dysfunction, in this way, the process can be as follows:
A question that many men ask is: really work? On the internet we can see several companies promising miracle products, however, many of them do not work. Despite science not reaching an agreement on the subject, many people guarantee that some stimulants, both natural and chemical, help to improve a man's sexual potency.
His doctor may indicate some of these foods to stimulate sex or recommend some medications such as Cialis, Viagra, Levitra and others, however, these are the most common in Brazil. These medications provide between 4 and 6 hours of erection.
Finally, the erectile dysfunction it is a problem that bothers and affects men's self-esteem and intimate relationships, however, it is important to know that there is a solution. In most cases it is simpler than the patient imagines, therefore, it is important to seek a doctor and report the problem, this could be the beginning of a satisfying sex life.