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Domination or submission: do you like it?

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There are those who say that, when it comes to sex, anything goes, including the domination and submission. However, for those who are still not used to the idea, there is nothing to worry about: you have your whole life to know both things. And yet, with the certainty that you will not regret it.

Because I tell you, if there's one good thing when it comes to sex, it's doing what you want and feeling like it, without worrying about taboos. And not anything that can somehow cut off those possibilities.

BSDM: Domination and Submission

Source: amazon

If you are already part of another group of people, who already use the domination and submission somehow the conversation gets a little different. That's because, in this case, things change figures. I would say that, for sure, the level of sex is already at another level, much more advanced.

And it's already good to dominate or be dominated, right? I always read and talk to many people who access the site and the reports are very close. How much they are disappointed when they end up having sexual, too traditional sex. Things then end up falling into a routine and when you see it, nothing else is done willingly, but under obligation. In other words, it no longer makes sense. Because what's good, like sex, was created to give pleasure and not stress.

Preferences for dominance or submission

Usually, those who use one of the two things as practice already do so because they like one of the sides better. And for those who think that the one who dominates must necessarily be the man, I say that the premise is completely false. What's most common nowadays are women who really insist on putting into practice all the aspects of being in charge of the relationship.

submission sex

Source: my intimate relation ship

The reason? One of them is because the partners go crazy. If there's one thing a man likes, it's woman dominate, to command the sexual act. You know that story about the woman who just has sex as if she were dead, with no possibilities for interaction? Nobody like. Of course, the woman also likes to be submissive to the man, so that he has complete control of everything. But if there is a dialogue about sex between the couple, everyone is certainly satisfied. There's no reason not to be like that.



So, for those who prefer submission, there are several possibilities. Especially when the two decide that other artifacts can be used, such as erotic stories, inspiration in certain videos and so on. There is no way not to love sex with these possibilities. Because let's be serious now, if there's one amazing thing in this whole world, it's innovating and satisfying our partner or partner. It's halfway there for our pleasure too.

sex domination


BSDM: Kinky Sex

Many people who play BDSM, also known as "Kirky Sex" may not consider themselves to be in a BDSM relationship because the boundaries of sexual fantasies are personal. And that depends on each person's taste. Many people start with something as simple as closing their eyes, and it can be exciting and addictive without the need for any special equipment.

Introduction Domination and Submission


The traffic light color in BSDM

Traffic light color is often a term used as a safety signal between couples who play BDSM.

A very common example of this is the traffic light system It can be a color card, or even say the name of the color. Green means “excellent, keep going,” she continued. “Yellow means check, but no need to stop, and red means no, means stop, means enough.”

The No in BSDM


One sex coach says, “For some people, say no, but the other party may not listen. because it can be part of sexual fantasies. But you have to negotiate that first. To let parents know that you are happy. ”

And about the sadomasochism? Have you heard? Do you like the idea? If the answer is yes, you cannot miss the article on this subject. On our website, there is diversified content on this and other topics. You will definitely enjoy!

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