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Erotic books: Our suggestions to increase your libido

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That there are several things to be done so that pleasure when it comes to sex is possible, we already know. But, not everyone knows one of the most accurate things when it comes to this: the erotic books.

With several possibilities of titles, they bring stories that vary between specific or general themes of the sexual world.

Erotic Books - Intense, Bold and Exciting

Source: Playback/Wook


That is, regardless of what your preference is when it comes to sex, you will find what you are looking for.

And, in order for you to know a little more about this world, we have separated some titles that may satisfy you. The purchase can be made online and some of them are found in bookstores.

However, we mention the virtual method precisely because not all people like the idea of ​​looking in a public place for this type of reading. So the order can be placed from your own home and the book comes to you.

It is also important to remember that, contrary to what many people think, there is a lot of difference between watching a movie and reading an erotic book. Erotic books make our imagination need to be used and this usually generates much more pleasure.

Of course, everything also depends on the will of the person or the couple in terms of what they like or dislike.

Let's get to know some erotic book titles?

I'm sure you must be curious to know more about the names of erotic books and what they portray.

Of course, the idea of ​​this article is not to bring the whole story, but that you know some things about them.

  • History of the Eye: you know that ideal story for anyone looking for a universe of sensuality and that deals with some issues considered including sexual and sensual extravagances? That's what you find in this book. The author is Georges Batille. As a suggestion of place of purchase we have Google's own searches.
Erotic Books - History of the Eye

Source: Playback/Amazon


  • Ask me what you want or leave me: this is a trilogy that brings a different and outstanding story because it has a lot to do with touch. Yes, you also find romanticism, but in a different way. It's as if everything was just right, which ends up leading the reader to love the story and get involved in it. Also very present is the question of some jokes and , like the well-known erotic games. The author is Megan Maxwell.


  • All yours: the author of the book, the famous Sylvia Day, brings a differential to it, fitting into the story a male character who is powerful and has control of situations, including sexually speaking, in addition to being sexy. The image of a man who causes women to be dominated in bed is brought up all the time, which stirs the reader's instincts.


Spicing up the relationship

The next book brought and not only him, but some other titles, bring an extra idea when it comes to spice up your relationship. Let's follow.


  • One seduction per week: are you married? Do you have an incessant quest to get out of the routine and spice up your relationship? Then this is a book for you. Not that being married is a problem, but it is normal for marriage to end up falling into a routine and causing some possibilities to be looked for. To give you an idea, in this book there are fifty-two ways to spice up the relationship. It's so much, it doesn't even seem real. The author is Betty Herbert.
Erotic books - One seduction per week

Source: Playback/Amazon


  • Pure ecstasy for two: in this story, written by Josy Stoque, there is a couple who end up meeting again with the aim of enjoying a weekend of pleasure. Ideas such as that of many sexual delusions and conflicts between the two that lead to several moments of hate are also clear, which end, as is to be expected, in sex.


  • Women: Written by Charles Bukowski, the book entitled Women brings a more imaginative, sexual question. In it, the most diverse fantasies are present, thus awakening the most varied desires in the readers.


  • Crossdresser: Am I a CD?: for those who love fetishes and homosexuality, there is no better option. The book, written by Artur Luz, brings a mix of all of this, in such a spicy way, that you wouldn't believe it.

I don't know which one to choose. And now?

The tip is that you follow more about their works and reviews. In most stores that sell it, like Amazon, for example, there are even testimonials that comment on the experience with erotic books.

Why do we say this? Precisely because tastes are varied and not necessarily something I like will be to your liking. So research is still the best option.

Erotic books - absolute pleasure

Source: replication/Wook

If your idea is to buy a title to share as a couple, it's worth talking to your partner about what he likes when it comes to imagining stories through erotic stories. Thus, both will be satisfied, there will be no mistake.

Are erotic books usually expensive?

No, prices vary, but they are not expensive. Even for those who own the kindle unlimited, the works have no cost.

With regard to physical books, on the Amazon website, prices vary between less than ten reais and more than one hundred.

It depends a lot on the number of pages, the style of the cover and so on. The delivery method also varies according to the buyer's urgency and preference.

How can I create a moment with that special person using erotic books?  

Use creativity. You can ask her if she likes that sort of thing beforehand or surprise her.

If you want, you can read the stories first and create a scenario or separate an outfit that refers to that. So, if the story talks about a secretary, why not dress up as one, if you are the woman in the relationship, or buy a costume for her to wear, if you are the man?

So, you don't just stay in theory, but you get into practice as well. Anything goes when it comes to thinking about possibilities that spice up the relationship.

If you prefer, you can also make a more provocative environment, with lights off, music and so, insert the stories in the middle of your relationship.

It doesn't have a rule. In fact, there is, which is that you should take the time to really enjoy each other. If not, there will be no grace.

Beware of books that have backstories

I say this because many times, some works are sequels and when bought, they end up leaving people thinking: but it doesn't make sense, I don't understand.

So it's always good to keep an eye out if that version is the first. So this kind of problem will not happen.

Then, if you like book one, just buy two, three, and so on.

There are even book packages that bring very interesting prices when all of them are purchased together.

So it's up to you to choose the possibility that makes the most sense to you.

Your pleasure and that of your partner, if any, should always be a priority.

Want to know more about sex? Keep following our website for more information about erotic stories and sex stories so they can help in your real sex life.

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