The escorts are a profile of women whose characteristics are to accompany men in the most diverse situations. It can be in a sexual sense, as well as just keeping company.
These are women who draw attention to their beauty, and thus, use this aspect as a means of work.
As there are countless questions when it comes to them, there is a part of our website just related to this and the questions you may have about the subject.
And this, regardless of whether you are a man and looking for one, or a woman and want to become an escort.
So much so that there are even contents that bring tips on how to start in this world and also face the challenges that appear, especially in terms of prejudice.
Normally, when a woman starts out as an escort, she ends up serving several men in general. Then, when she acquires experiences and becomes known, she ends up being able to choose what and how she will work.
Some escorts choose to have their business alone and others work with more people, as if they were a team. In this second case, they usually get more contacts, as those who manage them work well with marketing.
Big businessmen are one of the most loyal clients of escorts, even hiring them for formal events, where they want to show off their beauty or even more intimate dinners, just for company purposes.
In fact, there is no norm, as if it were a base salary. They charge what they believe they earn, usually much like other escorts in their area.
In the case of paying, for some people this is not the problem. So much so that, when the man has money and likes the companion, he pays all her expenses, so that she is available for him at times. This is one of the most common things in this world.
Escorts who are starting out usually charge two hundred, three hundred reais per hour for their work. Bearing in mind that almost none of them work for just one person, since the places they go to with their contractors tend to take a long time.
This is even the biggest difference between escorts and call girls. They are not hired exclusively for the sexual act with a duration, they are considered nice people, for some reason, to be around.
And, while they do not work effectively, the luxury escorts they worry a lot about aesthetics the rest of the day: they do hair, makeup, go to the gym, buy new clothes and so on. All in order to completely please the person who chose them.
So maybe your question is: but in the end, do they win to maintain this standard of living? Certainly, because many of their expenses are extra earnings they have from their customers, with tips and treats, not even taken from the money they charge. So the profit still ends up being pretty big anyway.