Sex it's good and everyone does it, but there are some fun facts about it that you might not know. Curious or interesting facts, pleasant or not, they exist and if you want to know a little about them, then you need to read this article!
Just so you have an idea of how “crazy” this world of sex, as you read this article, right now there are at least 79 more people having sex. That's because, we can consider sex as important as things or important physiological needs like sleeping, eating and other things.
The fact is that we may not know much about sex, but that it is part of our lives and beneficial to our health, we already know. Whether it's practiced with your life partner, or just casually, sex done safely and with both consent has the power to bring people together and improve mood.
Without further ado, and to the point: let's find out fun facts about sex that you might not be aware of. Are you ready? So come with us!
Kissing is one of the most practiced things during a person's life. Did you know that sex usually starts with kissing? It seems kind of obvious, but there are other ways to start the same, but the preferred one is the kiss.
That's why it's important to hit the nail on the head that foreplay is important. The kiss has the power to start a good sex, but leaves something to be desired, especially in relation to the woman, who naturally takes time to reach orgasm.
Did you know that a micropenis can measure around just 7 cm when erect? Another curiosity in relation to the penis is that the average (vast majority) can only reach 13 cm with it erect. The average does not usually pass more than 16 cm.
However, there are cases of men with 24 cm, and believe it or not, a lucky man (or not) has already entered the Guinness Book with his 47,5 cm dick. Poor his wife (if he has one) to take the brunt.
Speaking of size, I'm going to pass on some information that you might not have known (and amazed), you were certainly bothered by having a small penis. According to surveys, women are in favor of a small penis, as long as other issues are up to date, such as hygiene, for example, and as long as size does not imply potency. You're excited now, right?
Speaking of size, the biggest doesn't always have to be the best. The 47,5 cm man quoted above cannot get good erections.
Speaking of size, did you know that just like our body's ears and nose, a woman's clitoris never stops growing? At the age of 40, her size can be twice as large as when she was 19, for example.
In addition to this curiosity about size, the penis loses to the vagina in terms of the number of nerve endings.
By having nerve endings at an advantage over men, women manage to have an even greater orgasm (about 10 seconds longer) than men when they are about to come.
I said we know that sex is good for your health, but do we really know what specifically? Well, one of the benefits of orgasm is to bring relaxation to the body, which ultimately generates a peaceful night's sleep. What are you waiting for to fuck?
Still talking about the health benefits of sex, headache is one of the diseases that affect most of society. We already know that when something in our body doesn't go well, that's one way our body manifests itself.
However, did you know that after a good sex with good doses of hormone release your headache and even migraine can disappear?
If gym is good for your health, imagine joining gym and sex? Practicing a good fuck after you get back from the gym is a great idea. The exercises you did at the gym released a greater flow of blood in the body, including in the genital area, so there will be no lack of power.
Still relating sex as a health benefit, the orgasms produced during sex help to reduce the risk of heart problems, depression, stroke and even breast cancer. Have you had sex today? No? What are you waiting for?
Since we talked more about women in the previous topic, let's continue talking about them at the time of sex. They say that women are generally more likely to fake orgasms... But believe me, most men have also faked one.
To close our list of fun facts about sex with a flourish, did you know that every day more than 110 million sexual relations take place in the world?
Therefore, following this logic, it would be just over 4 million intercourses per hour, and you are within that statistic if you have been having sex regularly.
Because knowing what it is, we know. Do, too. But some curiosities really go unnoticed, as well as their benefits.
However, knowing everything you've read here, how about increasing the number of the amount of sex in the week, who knows even in the day? This will also bring you and your partner closer together!
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