A female masturbation It shouldn't be a taboo these days, but unfortunately it still is, and many women don't reveal the practice for fear of being labeled as easy women and other judgments that our society makes. For a long time, it was believed that pleasure was something exclusive to men, that women could not feel the same things as men, but many have ignored prejudices and are much more open to discovering themselves.
A masturbation it's a healthy practice, even science reinforces this fact, explaining some benefits of being adept at solitary pleasure on a regular basis.
1. Increases happiness by releasing some neurotransmitters such as endorphins, responsible for the feeling of well being.
2. It helps to improve your sexual relations, making your pleasure more intense and facilitating orgasm, in addition to working the muscles of the pelvis.
3. Helps prevent cancer. Even if it seems like a lie to some, the act of masturbating does help to avoid the disease, according to scientists. Women who practice female masturbation regularly are less likely to have this disease.
4. Nobody usually gets horny when they are in pain, however, masturbating relieves the cramps that women often experience during their period. In the next cycle, when you feel those unbearable cramps, it's worth trying the practice, a pleasant method of ending certain discomforts.
5. Female masturbation also helps to improve sleep. Scientists have proven that due to the release of endorphins and serotonin, the quality of sleep of women who masturbate frequently is much higher than that of those who are not adept at the practice, however it is never too late to start discovering this pleasure.
6. We cannot forget that female masturbation is an excellent tool for self-discovery. Women who don't usually masturbate are the ones who take the longest to reach orgasm, since the lack of knowledge of their own body makes the process difficult.
7. Masturbating also helps to strengthen the immune system, avoiding some illnesses that come when we are at a low ebb.
8. Masturbation also helps reduce stress levels. Women with this regular practice are the least likely to experience stress, according to several studies that have been carried out in recent years. This is very important, as the practice is also effective in reducing anxiety and even depression.
Take it easy when you start enjoying this solitary pleasure. Start exploring your body without missing any details. It's worth using a moisturizer or body oil while you're in this very pleasurable process.
Women are more imaginative, ideally when masturbating nothing causes distraction, so the music should be soft to help create that pleasant atmosphere that is to come.
The ambient lighting is also important, however, if you are not one of those people who enjoy being completely in the dark, or who hate any sexual activity in the light, the ideal is to find the type of light that pleases you the most.
Also, this is the time when the most secret desires held in our mind can be put into practice, at least in our imagination, however, it's good anyway. It's worth thinking about that handsome guy at work, or even that famous actor, the important thing is to let go.