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Female orgasm: Secrets and Curiosities

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experience the orgasm, is a unique feeling for women. Unfortunately, some have quite a hard time reaching the climax, and others even worse, never tasted that feeling.

O orgasm It is a word of Greek origin, which means to burn. And it is not surprising that this word has been used to name this sensation. Many women feel absolute, almost overwhelming pleasure, achieved after a period of intense excitement reaches its peak.

How Do Women Achieve a Female Orgasm?

O female orgasm, contrary to what many think, it is not achieved only with penetration, in fact most women reach it more easily being orally stimulated, than just penetrating. It is highly recommended that you know your body first of all, women who practice masturbation manage to enjoy more easily than those who do not have this habit. Unfortunately, a large number of women are not interested, either because of shame or any other reason.

A little about female pleasure

A survey conducted in USP with the support of pharmaceutical Pfizer, heard about 3 people on the streets of Brazil and came to the conclusion that women are the group that masturbates the least. Only one in four interviewees stated that she is adept at solitary pleasure. In the count of those who never did this, there were only 60 men and 600 women, a frightening number for today.

Many of these women came from homes where education was more castrating, and the religious issue still influences today. We know that for a satisfying sex life this need for self-knowledge is fundamental.

How will the other know what we like in bed if we don't know our body, the points where we get the most horny, anyway, orgasm is a topic that gives a lot of cloth to sleeve, so we're going to show you some curiosities about this wonderful sensation that every woman should experience in her life.


Physical manifestations of orgasm

During orgasm, some women may experience some very common sensations when climax approaches, such as:

  • Vaginal and uterine contractions
  • The clitoris retracts
  • the heart accelerates
  • Dilation of blood vessels
  • nipples get hard
  • involuntary spasms
  • Pupil dilation
  • Panting
female orgasm



There are different types of orgasms

When we talk about other types of orgasms, we are not referring to the stimulation of certain areas of the body, which we can stimulate, but where we feel a certain sensation. According to a study published by Neuro Quantology, women can have four types of orgasms: clitoral, vaginal, mixed and multiple.

the clitoral orgasm

The clitoris is the only organ exclusively responsible for sexual pleasure, and it is primarily responsible for orgasm in most women. It has more than 8 nerve endings, twice as many as men have in the glans.

the vaginal orgasm

According to research, only 30% of women manage to reach orgasm through penetration. This does not mean that the others, which were the 70%, cannot, but this percentage has a greater difficulty.

mixed orgasm

This type of orgasm is capable of leaving any woman seeing stars. It's a mixture of clitorian and vaginal and much more intense.

multiple orgasms

This is the type that women who never had, dream of having. In multiple orgasm, the woman manages to enjoy one after the other during sexual intercourse.

Orgasms only get better with time.

A lot of people see time as the enemy of sex life, but with sexual maturity, women can reach orgasm much more easily, so before complaining about wrinkles and lines of expression, remember that you will have much more pleasure !

Can a woman have an orgasm without vaginal stimulation?

Although many men think of sex almost primarily as penetration, many women find it difficult to achieve it this way, and others achieve the hardest thing: Having an orgasm without any vaginal stimulation. Some women can enjoy a good massage and other types of caresses.

What we eat influences orgasms

It may sound silly, but there are some foods that facilitate orgasm. When we consume these foods, they cause a predisposition for the organism to facilitate reaching the climax, such as: garlic, shellfish, dark chocolate, dried and citrus fruits. Worth a try!

Only 22% of women can?

A few years ago, the company Durex Global Sex Survey interviewed more than a thousand Brazilians and reached the conclusion that among the women interviewed, only 22% reached orgasm during sexual intercourse, while the other 78% had a lot of difficulty.

The best orgasms happen during menstruation

Although many women are ashamed or disgusted to have sex during their period, know that it is during this phase that she can reach orgasm more easily. This is because during menstruation, circulation in this area increases and this facilitates orgasm.

Orgasm relieves various types of pain

Menstrual, headache and muscle pain can be relieved after a good orgasm. As if it couldn't be too good, many believe that pain caused by arthritis is also alleviated.

Produces oxytocin

Oxytocin is known as the love hormone, because it promotes a state of relaxation and pleasure in the body.

For most women it takes

Most women need at least 20 minutes of stimulation to reach an orgasm. Unlike men, their oven needs to be heated well if you want to reach the peak of pleasure.

It lasts longer

The female orgasm takes time to happen during sex, but when it happens, it's wonderful! Women can enjoy for up to 20 seconds, while men can for a maximum of 5 seconds.

It's important to hydrate before

Drinking water is essential to maintain health, and orgasm too! Some experts claim that staying well hydrated helps you reach climax.

Orgasm helps with fertilization

If the woman is wanting to get pregnant, having an orgasm is a good option, because when she manages to reach the apex, fertilization becomes easier, as uterine contractions occur that facilitate the race of the sperm to the egg.

You can have one while working out

The University of Indiana, in the US, conducted a survey where 40% of respondents have had orgasms while exercising. Some said they did it with abdominal exercises, others with cycling and running.

The record of orgasms

To this day, no one has surpassed Deanna Webb, a woman who participated in the Masturbate-a-Thorn event, where her goal of orgasms was 222 times. It's even hard to imagine enjoying so much, this is a super woman!

Exercising the genital muscles facilitate orgasms

There are techniques such as pompoarism, which are great for exercising the vaginal musculature, strengthening and helping to control the movements, thus, the woman achieves an orgasm more easily.

Female ejaculation is a reality

Many people believe it is a lie, and when they watch erotic films in which the actress squirts a liquid during orgasm, they believe it is a special effect. In reality, women's ejaculation is true, although only 10% of them manage to come that way.


    • These were just a few curiosities about orgasm. That little organ of pleasure always yields good affairs. It is important that the woman knows her own anatomy, frees herself from her chains and knows how to enjoy this intense and pleasurable sensation, which causes so much well-being. Want to facilitate orgasm? check out porn sites for women


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