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Barbie supports GAY marriage

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Even with gay marriage being legalized in several countries, including Brazil, many people still "turn their noses" on the subject. So much so that several governments have had to create laws to ensure that this right is respected.

In Brazil, for example, a law was created that obliges all notaries to formalize this type of union. But even so, mobilization is needed on the part of everyone so that prejudice is less and less.

And in 2017, who entered this battle was the most famous doll in the world, Barbie. On the official Instagram of the brand, a pro-gay marriage post was made. In it, the iconic doll posed next to blogger Aimee Song's toy version. And on their T-shirts they said “Love Wins“.

The importance of brands supporting GAY marriage


In the post of Barbie's support campaign for cgay marriage, it was possible to read the following message:

 “Barbie and I support equal rights for LOVEWINS. Or, as some of you have speculated, maybe we are secretly dating. PS: When I found out I was getting my own version of Barbie, I thought it was super important that she represent who I am and what I believe in, as well as dressing like me, of course.”

And this type of pronouncement is extremely important for the LGBTQ+ movement. This is because it is through this type of campaign that people in general are able to have more access to the subject.

The truth is that in many market niches, the cause is still considered a taboo. And when a pronouncement of the genre is made, it moves a whole debate around the subject. Mainly taking into account that in this case, Barbie is an iconic doll all over the world.

In addition to the brand's pronouncement alone already having great weight, Barbie's support campaign for gay marriage doesn't end with the Instagram post. That's because the sale of the t-shirts created will have 50% of the proceeds reverted to the Trevor Project.

This is an initiative that aims to help people in the LGBTQ community. A lot of people don't know, but many individuals, by revealing their orientation or gender, end up being kicked out of their homes.

And it's projects like this that directly help community members.

How Barbie has changed her approach over the years

The post made on the brand's Instagram about gay marriage is not the brand's first action in favor of diversity and breaking taboos. For years, the doll has been the best-selling toy in the world.

And it is always launching campaigns and actions that stimulate important debates in society. For years, Barbie was considered, for example, an unattainable aesthetic standard.

And thinking about changing this image, the company launched a line of dolls with different body types, like short, chubby women, without curves, precisely to show all the diversity that exists.

In addition, another iconic campaign of the brand was that of professions that until a few years ago were not considered for women. Astronaut, engineer, pilot, Barbie has been showing the world that girls have the right to be whatever they want when they grow up.

And now officially Barbie officially supports the rights of the LGBTQ population. Even if discreetly, this action directly impacted the acceptance of gay marriage for many people.

This is because, it shows that the debate on the subject is something that needs to be started from childhood. It may seem very difficult for some traditional families to accept, but the truth is that the union of two people of the same sex is as normal as that of individuals of opposite sexes. And there is no problem with that.

The power of the phrase Love Wins

The fact that the Barbie brand post's gay marriage awareness post is "Love Wins" also has a lot of power. That's because it gained traction in 2015 in the United States, when same-sex budgeting was legalized in all states.

She has become as important a symbol as the rainbow itself. This is because it shows that the struggle is simply because people can love without fear.

Absence of laws legalizing gay marriage

gay marriage 1


Even today, the vast majority of countries do not have laws that legalize gay marriage, as well as other basic rights of LGBTQ+ people. To give you an idea, of the 193 countries with seats in the UN, only 20 legalized this type of union through the Legislative Power, while in four other cases the decisions came from the Judiciary.

And worse than that, is that in many countries it is forbidden to even talk about it. This is the case in Russia, for example, where “gay propaganda” is illegal. And this has raised many discussions over the years.

This is because it makes room for everything to be considered “propaganda”. The simple fact that a couple of men walk hand in hand on the street can be classified as a “crime”, leading to their arrest, which is something considered almost surreal nowadays.

But although intolerance is still very strong in several places, including Brazil (given the accession of an openly homophobic president), there is still hope. The post on Barbie's profile, for example, managed to exceed 35 likes in just one week.

Furthermore, even with some hostile comments, the vast majority were positive. This just shows that people are starting to rethink their taboos and put themselves in each other's shoes.

crimes of homophobia

Of course, there is still a long way to go. The rate of homophobic crimes is still high, especially in Brazil, which is one of the countries that kills the most LGBTQ+ in the world.

However, actions such as Barbie and other brands, such as Doritos and Absolut, show that the union of all strengthens the cause even more. And that even if there are still intolerants, they are in smaller numbers.

What do you think of this Barbie campaign in support of gay marriage? Do you think there is a lack of engagement from other brands?

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