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Gay men in double lives: sham marriages

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Anyone who has never heard of gay men in double lives, cast the first stone. These end up making their marriage just a facade and thus, they take place with the person of the same sex, with whom they maintain a relationship.

The reasons for not assuming their sexual option can be varied, but are often well related to the issue of work or needing the family to think they are men and that's it.

It seems strange that some people still have prejudice even now, in the middle of the XNUMXst century, but unfortunately judgments are very present all the time.

Some with children, even, would never admit to people that they are going to separate from their mother to live with another man, or from their father to live with another woman.

Not everyone has the head or structure to make that decision. And this fear doesn't just come from today.

Many years ago, Western countries suffered so much from the issue of homosexuality that anyone who admitted to being homosexual was threatened with being prosecuted. So people ended up preferring to get married and not tell anyone about it.

They lived a marriage of facades and couldn't even be gay men in a double life, afraid that someone would find out or denounce you.

And when does the partner know?

When it comes to gay men in double lives, anything is possible. Many times, their partner even knows, but pretends not to know, when she is comfortable like that.

So much so that the number of businessmen who earn a lot of money and are gay is huge. So, people choose to continue having a very peaceful life financially speaking and thus, do not worry about these issues.

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Source: Onukisan

Others don't even find out why their husbands are so good at cheating. These guys have sex with them too and behave so well like straight guys that they end up fooling everyone.

Some women find out when they catch him in the act, and not all of them find this an easy situation. At that point, they need to decide what to do.

There are those who say that being betrayed with a man is much worse than with a woman, since the feeling is that you were not enough.

It's all very relative and none of the situations should be positive. In some interviews, gay men in a double life said that, in addition to accepting it, their wives are still married to them and the existing relationship today is that of best friends.

But, it includes many more things. For example, the chosen partner accepts to remain just the lover.

Gay men in double lives usually have their partner's acceptance because they know the guy's wife has no idea what's going on.

When the situation changes and she finds out, everything is different.

Gay men in double lives: did they always know they were gay?

It's not something that can necessarily be said. Each case is different from the other. There are those who have known their whole lives that they were gay and that's it, but tried to experiment with other possibilities in order to know if they wouldn't change their minds. And yet, those who are simply unhappy in their marriage and in a moment discover the reason: their interest is not in women.

It is not always easy for the person. In fact, it is usually much harder than it looks. It ends up being a lot of pressure from all sides and in addition to your fears, the fear of hurting the other person is too big.

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The best thing to do is try to talk to someone you trust and share with that person everything you think about the matter.

So she can help you in the sense of what to do. And you won't be lost, like it's an unsolvable problem. Of course, it needs to be someone you really trust and not someone who makes you even worse, as some people end up doing.

Could it be someone in the family?

It could be your family, a friend who likes it a lot. Maybe even someone you're already sure knows the truth. Gay men in a double life are often mistrusted by many people, who just don't say anything out of respect for you.

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But remember: regardless of what you think is best to do, speaking the truth is always an excellent option, for everything and in every situation.

Could this be the end of your marriage? He can. But is it worth it to continue deceiving the person you are with? And yourself too, thinking that things are fine the way they are, when they really aren't?

Find a good time and open up to your partner. Afterwards, the decision is up to her and also according to her interest. You will notice that you will feel much lighter and also, you will be much happier.

Gay men in double lives: the fathers

Gay men in double lives may even think they can fool everyone. But two people they never fool: their parents.

Mainly mothers. They even tend to accept and support more than their parents. These often tend to pretend they don't know, because they don't want to admit that they have a homosexual child.

Yes, there are also those who are more open-minded and thus accept and even insist that their children assume their sexual option and thus be happy.

But it's not a rule, it varies according to each family. Especially because the children are married to women, so it seems strange to understand what goes on in their heads.

However, it is worth remembering that gay men in a double life often make this decision out of fear of disappointing who? These two very important people are parents.

Talking to them about it is very important too. Ask them what their view is on the subject. tell parents it doesn't have to be as hard as it looks.

It just depends on your patience to give them the time they need to digest the story. And so, with time, everything turns out to be resolved.

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