There are several porn sites with a vast material of hardcore sex, including the Pornhub, one of the biggest erotic sites today. The magazine Man's Health, asked the site to publicize the popularity of that category. This is not a very simple task, as it is difficult to determine what is considered an extreme sex video, however, they have at least 3 categories that fit this profile well.
They are: Hardcore, fetish and rough sex. For many years, people were looking for this type of content, which was part of the top 10 among the most accessed, but over time, this type of category began to decline, and the reasons for this could be several. One of the reasons may be the increased interest in amateur videos, which, over time, have been consolidating among the public's favorites.
The hardcore videos occupy the 33rd position in the ranking, the violent sex ones in the 35th and, lastly, the fetish ones occupying the 69th position, a very suggestive number. Men are the biggest audience, representing 7% more than women, and interestingly, those who prefer this type of pornography are men in their 40s to 60s.
The interesting thing is that even though men are the most interested in extreme sex, women represent a greater amount among those who like the hardcore category, with 75% of popularity when compared to men. Fetishism is a frequent theme around here, and we know that people get turned on in different ways.
Regarding the taste for hardcore sex videos, many people have a certain taboo with regard to their own sexuality, and see in this type of content the chance to put their sexual fantasies more secret out.
It's not hard to find websites specialized in this type of content on the internet, so we've listed some of the best in terms of hardcore sex, and you're sure to enjoy some of them.
This one couldn't be left out! Pornhub has many good sites, but it is one of the biggest porn sites today, it has a category aimed at those who enjoy more extreme sex, with several subcategories such as “rough sex”, “hardcore” and several others.
This is a site quite famous for its hardcore sex-oriented content, but it's also filled with bizarre videos. At Crazy Shit you can see sex in a very wild way, in addition to being able to see several erotic photos of the hottest women, known or amateur.
This is another site with many extreme sex videos. However, for those who don't want to see anything so wild, there are several softcore videos there. But know that the site is dedicated to very explicit erotic videos, with scenes of rough sex, hardcore and several others.
The site is completely free and is updated daily. Whenever a new video is added, lovers of hard sex get excited right away.
This is a site with several categories, including Brazilian women. However each category involves hardcore sex videos, with mature, younger women, and even real amateur sex videos.
Although the preference for extreme sex has been falling over the years. We can see in the graphs, there are still a lot of people who enjoy this type of content. That's because, it's a way to put your most secret fantasies.
There are those, which, they don't have the courage to reveal to their partners. Therefore, these sites are very good for those who want to enjoy a lot of videos of the genre.