Porn » Gay » How do you admit to your parents that you are gay or lesbian?

How do you admit to your parents that you are gay or lesbian?

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When it comes to our sexual orientation, many things cross our minds. This is because some people find it difficult to admit to their parents that they are gay or lesbian.

how to tell parents you're gay

Source: Calmatters/playback

And, at least nowadays, that shouldn't be a problem anymore. Even more so with so many facilities and access to information available.

Therefore, if this is your case, that is, you are suffering because you really decided to make this choice and you don't know how, now everything will be easier.

Remember, it's your decision. Including in the sense of telling people or not. If you don't want to, no problem.

If you already have a partner, it is even easier for the person to help you in terms of how to come out to your parents that you are gay or lesbian.

Perhaps the person has already done this a long time ago and then there will be no error. Having friends you trust through this process also makes all the difference.

When is the right time to come out to parents that you are gay or lesbian?

There is no specific moment. It all depends on your situation and the profile of your parents. There are those who will accept right away, as well as those who will simply need time for everything to be understood.

Assuming you're gay to your parents

Source: Oakleyproperty/reproduction


Some even don't even accept it, they spend their whole lives not agreeing with the idea.

But if your decision is firm and you are sure of it, there is nothing to worry about. You simply have to admit to your parents that you are gay or lesbian and that's it.

Yes, they can even kick you out of the house, but that's why you need to talk to them only when you make the decision, when you think it's time.

Different from that, in the first moment of challenge, you will end up rethinking the subject.

Your happiness first

Regardless of what your decision is, you need to understand that your happiness is more important than anything else.

Therefore, if admitting to your parents that you are gay or lesbian is a problem, something that has been bothering you, do it as soon as possible.

assume your gay



That way you end the anxiety and get out of your mind a question that you posed as if it were a problem, but it may not be.

Start putting yourself first and understand that chasing your dreams is essential for a future where you care more about yourself and less about others.

Also remember that not everyone who is prejudiced does it out of harm's way and you don't need to create a war with these people because of that.

You can simply show them that prejudice doesn't make sense and that you just want them to consider that you are a person like any other, that you have the right to make your own choices.

So give them time to figure it all out, but in the midst of it, do things that make you happy.

Tell a specific person you trust first

It doesn't matter the subject, nor does it have to be this one, admitting to parents that you are gay or lesbian.

It's always good to have someone to help us no matter what happens. To support us and give us strength.

Therefore, the ideal is to first tell someone you trust a lot, and then that person will be able to help you at every step from that moment on.

tell parents you're gay

Source: Pinterest/reproduction

That person could be a family member, a friend, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that you don't keep everything to yourself, as if the things you do or feel are a crime.

In the case of this person, they can even help you in the sense of what to do first or who else to tell.

Help you to take away your anguish, talk. Sometimes that's just what we need: someone who understands us without judging us.

But, of course, take care. After all, even for these people, who will certainly support you to the fullest, your talk about sexuality can end up frightening, taking them by surprise.

Therefore, the ideal is always to be careful with how to talk to people about the subject.

You don't have to do it all at once.

Because, this is not even positive. Tell people little by little, as you feel ready to do so.

Also, for the reason that, although admitting to parents that you are gay or lesbian is very important because they are our base, friends can wait and will understand.

Have you ever thought if you tell everyone first and your parents find out from other people? Then you will have another problem.

Now let me give you a tip. Don't care too much about what people are going to say. Mainly because each one will have a different reaction, so it might not do you any good.

Have you ever thought about taking seriously everything you hear from now on regarding your sexuality? At the very least, you'll go crazy.

When you come out to your parents that you are gay or lesbian, be proud of who you are

And stay proud always. Before you have made your sexual choice, you are a person. It has its principles, its way of thinking.

Study or work, maybe do both. He is someone who really puts effort into what he does every day.

So if you've made that decision, take it seriously. And always think that it was your choice and how much to assume can make you freer and happier.

assuming sexual identity

Source: Freepik/playback


IF necessary, even stay away from people who only judge you and don't help you at all.

Who knows, maybe they weren't even your real friends. If they were, they would understand you and be by your side.

If you want to know even more about it, read this other article. How to Tell Your Family You're Gay. You will see things differently. Including better understanding people's reactions.

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