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How to Turn Your Wife Into a Whore in Bed

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Sex is synonymous with intimacy, but having intimacy doesn't mean you're totally free to do what you really like and want. Of course, wrapped around this subject, there are some taboos like the woman not being able to have wills or be whatever she wants in bed, but the truth is that inside every woman, there is that burning desire to be a whore for her husband in bed .

As mentioned before about taboos, this of course has nothing to do with how many men you've picked up or whether you've ever been a prostitute. This has to do with wanting to be whatever she wants to be and do whatever she wants in bed.

But, let's face it, there are some factors that prevent her from being, probably, what she would like to be. Do you want to find out and know what to do to reverse the situation and thus transform your wife into a whore in bed? So come with us!

from saint to whore 


When it comes to finding your partner for life, nothing better than finding a nice girl who will accompany you on the rolês, who will please your parents (and family in general) and, of course, yourself. But the truth is that within four walls, it doesn't have to be like that. 

Maybe you haven't noticed yet that you can be the worst enemy for your woman / partner to become a whore in bed. 

You are probably wondering why and I will let you answer it yourself through the following questions:

1- How are you with your wife in bed? 

2- Do you make her feel free?

3- Does she usually expose and have her wishes accepted? 

If your answers to the above questions were negative, then you are probably acting the wrong way with her! Your partner needs to feel as comfortable as possible during sex. It's worth remembering that it's also nice that she wants to be doing the act, so you can move on to the steps of turning her into a slut.

But, let's get to the facts... What would be the reasons why your partner doesn't feel completely comfortable in bed? See below.

Reasons not to be (your) whore



It's not just the standards imposed by society that make them closed, but, in fact, their vices as a man also prevent them from being what they want. There are basically two types of men: those who oppress and restrict in areas of life and those who are half mouth (lukewarm). 

In the first case, if the woman is oppressed in her way of dressing, in everything she does and among other things, she will certainly close herself off in sex (and certainly you will think only of yourself during sex).

In the second case, the man is that typical guy who comes home from work tired and says to his partner: “get ready, I'm going to use you”. A woman is not just a sexual object and just like you, she is not satisfied with half-assed sex. 

She also deserves and needs pleasure and you, as a partner, need to match. This is clear at the beginning of the climate that will follow sex. The man doesn't work on the foreplay, he has a quick orgasm and still wants to complain that the woman doesn't accompany him. How about if you follow her? 

Below you will see, in the form of topics, other reasons why she is not your whore yet. Look:

  1. Shy

As I mentioned earlier, having intimacy is not synonymous with freedom (not in all cases). You've learned so far that how you treat her can inhibit her, but sometimes you may treat her right and she just feels ashamed.

Remember that there are many standards in society that surround the name puta, but it can be one, with the true meaning, just for you. When it comes to sex, how about letting her lead the games and foreplay? Leave your machismo/ego aside for a bit, and let her enjoy it. 

You can offer her “control”, or talk about the wishes she has in store. Try it!

  1. lack of contact

Remember the second man we gave in the example above? You can often create a barrier between you and your partner if you only seek her out when you want to. As much as she can turn into a whore in bed, she still likes attention, affection and constant contact. 

What if you start to spice up the idea of ​​sex for her right before you leave work? Who knows how to send flowers, or else a super biased and “dirty” message for both to feed the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe sex when they get home?

  1. specific interest 

Following the list of reasons and taking the hook from the previous one, don't expect to have a whore in bed if she has a lazy and annoying “whore” partner who doesn't help her with the simplest duties. When the will knocks on the door, you can let the whore who lives in her transform in the worst possible way, becoming a “whore” of life.

The (Convinced) Whore in Bed


When she realizes that your interest in her goes beyond sex and, mainly, in the small things, it only remains for you to enjoy what's best: a good and tasty wild sex.

After she gains confidence or you reach out and talk to her about it, it's time to let her (her) imagination flow and complement yours. After all, there's nothing better than the two enjoying each other's sex, with both being satisfied and reaching orgasm together. 

Finally, all that remains is to enjoy the saint she is at the table and (her) whore she is in bed. 

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