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Insecurities that ruin your sex life

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Insecurities can affect several sectors of your life, including your intimacy, leaving unsatisfactory sex

Many people believe that for a sex well, just receive the proper physical stimulation, find an experienced person who can satisfy your needs. However, things are very different from that.

There is much more than just the right stimulation to make your sex life satisfying. Some insecurities can get in the way a lot, so taking care of your mind is the best way to avoid any intimate frustration.


The insecurities that cause disappointment in sex life

In the list below we'll show you some common facts that are wreaking havoc on your sexuality. Also, knowing the root of the problem helps to solve it much faster.

1. Your body image


At the time of puberty it is quite common to experience some self-esteem issues. Some people manage to overcome this as they enter adulthood, however, for others, these issues remain for a long time, often requiring therapy to resolve.
Body image insecurities make your sex life unsatisfactory, making you uncomfortable in a more intimate moment with another person. If this is something very present in your life, therapy is worth seeking out. Also, if the person is in bed with you, the desire is there. That way, try to relax and enjoy the moment, take care of yourself more, practice physical activities, change your look, anything that makes you feel better.

2. Not having the confidence to expose your desires



If you're the type of person who is uncomfortable asking the other to do what you want in bed, you can't expect sex to be satisfying. This is one of the many insecurities that affect people, especially women, who are often afraid of being misinterpreted when demonstrating their sexuality.

As much as your sexual partner demonstrates that they are in tune with what you want, the reality is that it is not always that way. The other does not have a crystal ball, therefore, he will not always know what you want and the fact that he is afraid to expose it means that you do not fully enjoy your relationships. Don't waste time, many love to hear what their partner likes in bed and consider something sexy.

3. Only worry about the other person



During sex, everyone wants to feel pleasure, however, many people are conditioned to worry only about the pleasure of the other. The focus is sometimes so great that pleasure itself is left aside, making it difficult or causing the absence of orgasm.

If you are that way, be more sure of yourself. Make sure sex is as pleasurable for you as it is for the other person. Don't waste the opportunity to equalize the sensations and reach the climax.

4. Accepting Less Than You Deserve


It is not uncommon to believe that you deserve little in your intimate relationships. You can accept that your partner satisfies his own pleasure and ends sex before you reach climax. This is not acceptable, sex is a privilege for both. So, don't accept less, show that you also want to enjoy and reach orgasm as much as the other person.

Anyway, having sex is one of the most democratic pleasures that exist. It's maintaining a connection with another person, sharing what's best about you, giving and receiving pleasure. At H-time, forget insecurity and enjoy this moment.

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