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LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil

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The LGBT victories for equality in recent years in Brazil have been happening in a very strong way.

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Source: reproduction/Hermano Projetos

That's because, the struggle they have is not just about what they are, but the way they are seen by others.

Nobody these days wants to go through difficulties with their appearance or fair choices, since we are in a free country.

Before, when talking about LGBT victories, the results were only conflicts and problems, since the acceptance regarding the subject was small.

Today, things have evolved a lot, although they are still not as expected.

In numbers, in 2016, 343 LGBT's died, this number, high for today, where they should already be seen as people equal to any other.

Currently, even social networks, such as Facebook, already provide images for profile photos, which present rainbow customizations representing the cause, especially in the month of LGBT pride, which is June.

At this time, the amount of protests against inequalities and prejudice tends to be much greater.

Examples of LGBT protests and victories

One of the biggest LGBT victories was in 2011, when both the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice established the possibility of same-sex marriage for two people.

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Source: iGay

Already in 2013, the National Council of Justice made all notaries allow the stable union provided to them to be transformed into marriage.

According to the IBGE, these unions were the ones that grew the most, being more than 12% ahead of heterosexual ones.

Even one more step towards LGBT victories is that, since this year, there has been a decision that the STF would give the same legal value as marriage to a stable union. This is for heterosexuals and homoaffectives alike.

With regard to the family, LGBT victories were also many. Bill 612/2011 was one of them. In it, there is an intention to change the way the concept of a stable union is written, where it appears to be between a man and a woman. The idea is to insert between two people, so that the family can be seen by all people.

The name of transvestites and also of transsexuals can also be adopted in

their official documents, if they so wish.

How would that work?

According to the choice made by each one, this is how the person is called and known and not how they are registered since they were born. In this way, LGBT victories make much more sense.

Another relevant issue is that specific expressions, considered prejudice, should be abolished.

Do all countries have the same rules?

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Source: G Observatory

No. Even the states of each country have different determinations. Each one adapts according to its possibilities and also has opposing LGBT victories.

What Brazil, for example, says about attacks against these people, with different sexual options, is that they are seen as different, as if they were inferior.

For some heterosexuals, aggression towards these people is even considered normal, which is absurd.

This is why many LGBT's end up not assuming their preferences, for fear of what might happen to them in this regard.

Physical aggression is just one of the points. There are many other issues that can come up. Psychological is another common one that can affect much more than you might think.

Thus, finding ways to change this reality and make LGBT victories increasingly present is something that is generally expected from the population.

There are those who believe that some LGBT victories seem to be small, but the combination of several possibilities provides a complete scenario, which ends up being much more relevant than one imagines.

Some specific points are also related to the labor market, which already accepts LGBT people as employees in a much more relaxed way.

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Source: Brasil.elpais

Even the spaces also end up receiving them in a different way nowadays.

There are already some places aimed at this public, where all people are welcome.

And this represents much more than a few LGBT victories, as it is not something necessarily expected.

And the challenges? Are they over?

Certainly not. And it is not known whether this will ever happen. But, the LGBT victories came to prove that it's all a matter of going after what you want and expect.

The more commitment and love for the cause you have, the more chances of it being something concrete and not momentary.

In fact, it's a question of how much you are willing to make a difference in a country where many are just there to gather.

If the subject is challenges, it is necessary to know how to deal with them and thus, allow them not to become problems, but solutions, in the sense of making an effort to fight for them.

From the moment that all people, heterosexual or homosexual unite against prejudice, it will no longer have a place in the midst of Brazil. Therefore, everyone needs to do their part.

Therefore, it can be said that the challenges have diminished, but by no means ended.

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Source: Sul.21

Thus, it is hoped that LGBT victories are increasingly present in our scenario and, in this way, bring great pride to our country. including with relation to work.

What about LGBT victories among families?

When the subject is families and what is people's opinion regarding the sexual orientation of their children, cousins, grandchildren, the subject is not always that simple.

It's not something that has necessarily changed. Yes, some people are already more open-minded and thus, they have changed their way of thinking and seeing things, but not all.

And these differences when it comes to possibilities promise to continue for a long time to come. That's because, despite the passing years, people's minds remain the same, as well as mistaken thoughts about some subjects.

Ideally, LGBT victories should always be seen as something that expectations are not created on the subject when you want to tell your family, for example. Because the answers can be quite varied.

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