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libido in menopause

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How to deal with libido in menopause

Knowing how to deal with menopausal libido is something every woman will need to do sooner or later.

Few people talk about it, but the truth is that the climacteric and menopause bring a series of changes to the organism.

Among them, the fall of hormones is among those that most modify sexual desire. If you are going through menopause, read on and find out how to deal with your libido.


menopause – Source:

Why does libido decrease in menopause?

The first step in dealing with libido is to understand why it decreases during menopause. It turns out that menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive capacity.

Gradually, menstruation stops happening and several changes in the body begin. These changes can vary greatly from person to person. Therefore, some women perceive little change in sexual desire.

While others realize that libido has practically disappeared. One way or another, the fact is that hormone production changes a lot during and after menopause.

Therefore, you need to look for a doctor to find out how the replacement will be done according to each case.

Sexual pleasure in menopause

The idea that women stop having sexual pleasure after menopause is quite common. However, there is no reason for this to happen.

It turns out that the lack of sexual pleasure in this case is usually linked mainly to two factors. The first is vaginal dryness. After all, with the change in hormones, it is quite common for the vagina to stop receiving lubrication.

As a result, there is a dryness in the region. This usually causes a lot of pain at the time of penetration, which makes pleasure impossible. In that case, the ideal is to frequently use a vaginal moisturizer.

The second reason is psychological. With menopause, many women feel that they are no longer attractive. Therefore, in this case, it is best to seek help from an individual or couples therapist.



Healthy habits to maintain libido in menopause

Yes, libido tends to decline with age, for both men and women. The only difference is that, in them, the time of menopause leaves no doubt about it.

Therefore, it is essential to redouble health care. After all, the greater your physical well-being, the easier it will be for libido to emerge.

For this reason, drinking plenty of water, exercising and maintaining a balanced diet is essential.

Also, avoid alcohol and cigarettes as much as possible. They often have a rather negative impact on libido.

menopause libido

libido menopause. Source:

Medical follow-up for libido in menopause

No matter when menopause has been a smooth process for you. The fact is that your body is going through a process with many changes.

For this reason, it is indicated to go to the doctor for an evaluation. Under no circumstances take medicine or hormones without the accompaniment of a professional.

After all, only the doctor will be able to indicate what to do to deal with libido and maintain health. This, of course, does not just apply to menopause, but to all stages of life.

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