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Luxury escort and your financial life

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Luxury escort and your financial life, have you ever wondered about that? Browsing through the hundreds, or rather thousands of advertisements by women on the portals where they offer their services over the Internet, you come across one that is more concise than the other and that tries to stand out above the rest. Whatever the title leaves no room for imagination: “Urgent – ​​girls for selected club” and other advertisements with similar wording.

Financial life of a luxury escort

The total lack of subtlety in the statement is often accompanied by a photo of a package of 100 reais bills, trips and other elements. A clear reference to the huge amounts of money that can be handled in the world of prostitution.

At just a few years old, it's easy to find a sex worker who says she can earn up to 16.000 reais in exchange for a few hours of pleasure a month.

Luxury escort and your financial life


The income from work of luxury escorts

It is an investment opportunity that girls embrace when contacting an agency or acting independently. Everything in this fast and straightforward environment has no time for fooling around. All you find is exorbitant amounts of money in exchange for very little sex. An interesting business for someone young and inexperienced who is generally not aware of everything that involves this way of life.

In successful situations a call girl working in a nightclub can cost R$ 250 and R$ 350. The price variation is due to the service offered, anal sex being the most expensive. In addition, she does 4 programs on average, the average is R$ 1200 per day, if she performs the service for 2 days, she receives R$ 2400 assuming that the month has 4 weeks, we reach R$ 9.600.

If she attends at home, prices range from R$ 200 to R$ 300 for 5 to 6 programs, adding up to R$ 1650 and working 2 days, R$ 13.200.

The business seems to run like a Swiss watch. Customers including foreigners, pay clear values ​​and easy money in your pocket. Nothing that is offered to the customer is illegal. If he accepts from the start, she doesn't lie to him.

Luxury escort and your financial life: how does it work?

The services and prices that each girl offers is something that she herself has to negotiate with the clients. She is always free to put her own conditions, practices and prices. For someone to earn less than 4.000 reais a month, it's a misery.

Prostitution is not a crime in Spain and, since 2002, there have been licenses that regulate the facilities where prostitution can be exercised with people over 18 years old of their own free will. However, sex workers are not protected by any labor regulations or agreements that uphold their rights like any other association. Therefore, it is very easy for them to get into such businesses and work on the black market because they are not well advised.

To make money, you need to spend money.

Despite the gain, there is no money left at the end of the month. To get the program at the nightclub, the professional rents a room for R$70 per hour, drinks R$150 and taxi R$60. Thus, the R$1200 earned in one night drops to R$650 but the R$ 1650 for work at home becomes R$ 1.550 if you deduct the laundry and drinks of R$ 100 per day. Even so, there would still be R$ 15.000 free.

The issue is that almost all of my clients choose a luxury escort not only because of my sexual services, but also because they appear to be a cultured person, with a family allowance and social class. One of the things they value most is discretion and know-how. She is expected to be a lady at the table and a whore in bed.

So… luxury escort and your financial life!

She spends money on advertising because she needs to make a difference. If she wants to make money as an escort, she needs to offer something special. In the world of luxury escort services, there is a belief that only beautiful women can succeed as escorts.

Unfortunately for them, this is not true! Beauty alone is not enough to make things work in this fascinating industry; neither in this nor in any other. If we think about it carefully, it is not enough to be successful in personal and loving relationships.

Believing that a nice physique is the only tool to attract men is a completely wrong idea that gives rise to several embarrassing situations between many luxury escorts and clients. It is absurd to think so.

The beauty may serve at the beginning, but the good impression of the beginning disappears into thin air, when it becomes clear that beyond that, there is not much else. The initial interest, which will last very little, will give way to a great disappointment.

A luxury escort is not just a pretty face

A high-class escort is an attractive woman, with good character, but self-assured, intelligent, clear-headed and empathetic. Beautiful women with physiques they don't have anything to envy to those of magazine cover models.

They know that the men who have called to meet them in person, fascinated by the photographs they have seen on our website, expect a nice and special woman, not just a pretty face incapable of conveying anything interesting.

So, an escort has often traveled all over the world, knows languages, is independent from a very young age. They have to appear to have values ​​and be respected. They know how to adapt to any situation and person, like any successful woman in the personal and professional field.

But, they have enough self-respect to run away from dramas and they know it's not worth creating. Thus, they can see the good in people and hope only for the best, instead of anticipating events always thinking the worst of others and suspecting beforehand.

So, all of this, shoes at Zeferino cost around R$ 600, HStern bracelets paid in 10 installments of 900 reais to impress the customer, lymphatic drainage every month generate expenses of R$ 600 and so on. Everything is invested in work.

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