NoFap September is a movement that preaches the benefits of staying a few days, weeks or even months without masturbation. The question is: Could you go a month without masturbating once? For some people it may be something unimaginable, however, it is a way of life that has been gaining more and more followers.
It all started in 2003, when a study revealed that men who stayed a while without masturbation experienced greater sexual potency and longer-lasting orgasms in their intimate relationships. In this way, Alexander Rhodes, a programmer from Pittsburgh, United States, ended up reading it and decided to start the NoFap movement.
Soon the NoFap started to be spread over the internet, however, on the Reddit forum is where it gained more followers. There are more than 400 thousand, between men and women, all interested in the possible benefits that NoFap brings, but is the absence of masturbation really beneficial?
Among the benefits of NoFap are:
The rules are simple: The adept must stay during the 30 days of September without getting any sexual stimulus. That way, you can't masturbate, watch pornography, have sex and much less orgasm.
Not everyone achieves this feat, however, those who try it reveal that the practice has made their sex lives much better. Also, for those with masturbation addiction, the NoFap challenge can help a lot, since without being able to masturbate, the person usually pays attention to other sectors.
Finally, this practice can greatly improve your intimate life, however, if the absence of sexual activities causes any discomfort, it is better not to force the issue. And there? tell us if you already practice or intend to adhere to this new way of life.