If anyone has ever thought about receiving money to produce content for a social network, they will be happy with the and its selected and dedicated subscribers. Anyone can create a profile and raise money through one-off sales or monthly fees. For those who produce it, it's a wonderful means of promotion and for those who are fans, it's an opportunity to get closer to their idol. Thus contributing directly to its growth.
However, there isn't much you can do before including the payment method. There is a Portuguese version and payment is still in dollars. Subscriptions range from $4,99 to $49,99, the OnlyFans pays eighty percent to the producer and keeps twenty percent to cover certain costs, the bank account must accept international transfers.
Social networks like Instagram, Facebook e Twitter can be linked to the producer's profile, with the site having 50 million subscriptions, we see that the doors are open for remuneration through the consumption of pornography or content directed at the public.
The proposed OnlyFans it's not just pornography, since in the official profile of Instagram they say that one private, a graphic designer or a music producer would have space to sell their work there. Which proves to be true because even personalities who work with makeup have a fixed fan base. They even provide guidance on how to protect your content from unauthorized disclosure, which is strictly prohibited by company guidelines.
The Disney sensation ticket, Bella Thorne, on the platform caused a real furore and took down the site for a few minutes. The 22-year-old actress raised a staggering $2 million before the date she pledged to publish the infamous "nudes". The revolt came when subscribers received bikini and lingerie pictures, however no explicit nudity, several asked for refunds.
She later declared that it had all been a big mess and that her real intention was to draw attention to what the OnlyFans. Even with this scandal, the number of users on the platform continues to grow, in the midst of the pandemic it is also possible to spice up business.