• Crisis porn? Competition with free porn videos

    Who doesn't know the exotic/porn videos that were (and are) successful all over the world? Are you going to tell me you've never heard of Mia Khalifa? I wouldn't believe it, but if that's the case, right now you'll want to meet her! The porn habit (although it's not always...

  • famous brazilian porn stars

    In the past, Brazilian and foreign porn stars were seen without much enthusiasm. Adult films were only a resource for the solitary pleasure of men and women and we generally did not know the names of those who were acting in that scene that was called...

  • Sex Tips: Men's Health

    Speaking of sex tips, men's health continues to be partially taboo in the information age and they still suffer from sexual adversities, in addition to taking a long time to seek professional help, which makes body care difficult. Experts are the ones to...

  • OnlyFans – The nude social network

    If anyone has ever thought about getting paid to produce content for a social network, they will be happy with OnlyFans and its select and dedicated subscribers. Anyone can create a profile and earn money through individual sales or monthly fees. For those who produce, it is...

  • Sexy Cosplays from the Internet

    We have to admit that even if we are not part of the geek universe, everyone loves sexy cosplays, because a hot woman wearing a costume leaves anyone with a fertile imagination. If you don't know what cosplay means, we'll explain. The word comes from...

  • Best pictures of hot cosplay girls

    Today is the day to talk about the hotties of cosplay. The term “cosplay”, the combination of the words fantasy and play in English, is a fun practice that consists of dressing up as characters from games, comics, Japanese cartoons, movies, books,...

  • Best Erotic Books to Enjoy During the Pandemic

    Even if you're not a big fan of literature, at some point the best erotic books must have caught your attention. The truth is that this type of reading has been around for a long time and has never stopped being popular. In the Victorian era, many of these works were...

  • Erotic Tales: Know More!

    Has anyone ever told you about erotic stories: learn more? Well, if you haven't heard it yet, now is the time. Erotic stories allow you to get to know the world of fantasy. And enjoy it and its possibilities. Thus, having access to all the...

  • Porn Harley Quinn: Only the best villain sex cosplays

    Harley Quinn, as she is known in Brazil, is one of the most beloved villains of all time, and lately, with the release of the film that shows a little more about the character, her name has been in the spotlight. A large part of the audience that saw her...

  • Prostitution: What I learned as a call girl

    In recent years, the debate about prostitution has become popular. Whenever there is a greater number of different opinions, in many cases, the participation in the debate of the professionals themselves, who remember that not all sex work needs to be slave. In short, the...

  • Redtube: The biggest porn site

    RedTube is a very well known website for a part of internet browsers. You can find free and great quality content, launched in 2007 and, that same year, made it to the list of the five fastest growing sites, according to Wired. Millions of videos...

  • Dogging: Public sex fetish

    Do you know what dogging is? If you enjoy public sex, you probably do. If not, the word may sound strange to you, but it is a very common fetish. Although the term is becoming popular nowadays, this practice began in the 1960s.

  • Internet Porn Sites: Complete List

    Porn Sites on the Internet, a complete list? Actually, we can say "an endless list". Previously, we have put together several lists of the coolest porn sites on the Internet. If you haven't seen them, check out the list of porn sites, you will definitely enjoy them, however, as...

  • Best Porn Site – A complete and up-to-date list

    Best porn site, is it possible to define just one? Porn sites have grown so much in recent years that nowadays it is difficult to choose what to watch. From the big ones, like Pornhub and Xvideos, to the smaller ones, but that many people know. In Brazil, the amount of...

  • Hentai, what is it?

    We've already talked about hentai here, however, the subject is a subject that could be a long conversation, since there are countless very cool stories published that you probably don't know about, so we decided to talk a little about this type of erotic literature, which exists...

  • The porn industry has come back with some care

    The porn industry has been back in business for a few months now in the United States. Although the number of COVID-19 cases has dropped slightly, many stars and other professionals in the industry are still unsure about returning to work. The famous magazine ...