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How to use a penis girdle in a straight relationship?

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Who's afraid of penile strap? The accessory is often related to same-sex couples or the “dreaded” pegging, when the woman penetrates her partner. If that's still your view of the girdle, sit back and let's talk. There are several other ways to use the accessory for fun for two and you need to know them! Keep reading.

What is a penis strap?

penis strap

Commonly used between homo couples, the penile strap can also be used by straight couples to spice up the relationship! Image:

Also known as strap-on, the penis strap is a sex toy composed of a strap, which is dressed as an intimate piece and has penetration as its main function. Obviously, it is often used by same-sex couples during sexual intercourse.

This “negative image” of the girdle prevented straight couples from appropriating the accessory for their own pleasure for a long time. But it's time to change that! Open your mind to the possibilities, be creative and enjoy the pleasure!

How to use the accessory?

  • To prolong sex: you came and she didn't? With the penile strap, you won't let her down ever again. Use the toy to continue penetration in your break time between one erection and another. Thus, you increase her pleasure and also improve her chances of reaching orgasm. After all, female orgasm often depends on constancy.
  • Double penetration (vaginal and anal): double penetration is your desire, but you don't want to add another person to the relationship? There are penile belts designed for this. Another advantage is the possibility of choosing smaller prostheses for anal penetration, in case your partner still doesn't feel 100% cuttable with the act. Then just decide where you are going, where the toy is going and enjoy!
  • Erectile dysfunction: There's no shame in having trouble maintaining a full erection, however, it can be frustrating for a woman at times. To give her complete pleasure, the penis strap is an option. In addition to stimulating penetration, the girdle can also be used in the other ways described above.

The strap can be used in a variety of ways. Image:

Available models

Just as there are several models of dildos, there are also several models of penile belts. The goal is to choose the one that is most comfortable for you and at the same time gives your partner the most pleasure. Let's go to the most common types:

Swimsuit type penis strap: it is the least extravagant and most comfortable model. It is a swim trunk, or panties, with an opening to fit the prosthesis. The sides are usually adjustable and can be made of different materials: from elastics to leather, to guarantee stability during use.

Swimsuit type penile strap. Image: Miess Sex Shop.

Thong type: different from swimwear, this model leaves the buttocks more exposed. The sensation of penetration is more realistic in this model, as it is closer to the body. Despite having less material holding the accessory to the body, this strap model is very firm and resistant.

Thong-style penis strap. Image: Hot Pepper Sex Shop.

With two handles: of the three, it is the most extravagant, but also the most common. The accessory consists of two straps to fasten around the legs. The biggest advantage is that skin-to-skin contact remains virtually identical to penetration without the strap.

Penile strap with two handles. Image: Fill Sexy.

And now, have you changed your mind about penile straps? It's worth testing with your partner!

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