For being porn actors, many times you create some things in your head, like they always manage to comply with all sexual issues and never suffer like other people, with erectile dysfunction, for example. But anyone who thinks that's how it works is wrong, because it's not. Just like anyone else, porn actors can suffer from some issues.
And, studies show that even this is much more common than you can imagine. Their pioneer, aimed to investigate the sexual function of these actors and so, that's what happened. It was the department of urology at the renowned University of Miami that undertook this study.
It is necessary to understand that a study like this had never happened before. For this reason, it was very important in the sense that, based on the results achieved, it will be possible to think, for example, about the drugs that should be produced and used by young people who act as porn actors.
From the study, several new hypotheses began to emerge regarding the subject. With the theme: erectile dysfunction in porn actors. Mainly young people. And this is even more impressive, since it is thought that young people do not suffer from these issues.
In order for it to make sense and bring results, forty questions were asked. This data was then sent to the FSC, Free Spreech Coalition, which was a partner of the University of Miami.
The intent was to examine not one, but four domains related to sexual dysfunction. They are: erectile, orgasmic, sexual desire and satisfaction in the middle of the relationship. Only men who have a penis were considered and these are biological. This choice was made so that the results achieved were as expected.
When it comes to the results achieved, there are several, but it is necessary to focus on the main ones. After the study was completed, it was noticed that 38,7% of the men who participated in the analysis had problems related to erectile dysfunction. This at all levels, sometimes moderate as well. To get a slightly more specific idea, the average age related to those surveyed was thirty-six years old. But the minimum was nineteen and the maximum seventy years.
Of those who claimed to suffer from some issue, 69,4% said they take medication. This can include both a pill and an injection. Of this number, 41,9% said they use it for professional purposes. That is, others make their own use, without further reasons.
But, it is worth highlighting an important detail: the injection to remedy the problem of erectile dysfunction, if taken frequently, can cause someone to end up with body fibrosis. So that this does not become a problem, a tip is to make the injection in different places.
In spaces like the it is possible to access several porn actors. Including those related to the topic: erectile dysfunction. Some even participated in the study.
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