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Porn for Women: Is it possible to measure how much they watch?

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Is it possible to measure the amount of porn that women watch?

For as long as sex movies have been around, women have been the target of a lot of criticism. After all, they also access this type of content.

Many argue that women are objectified and displayed only as sex objects in these films.

However, others argue that these films provide a form of escape for those who feel oppressed by the social standards imposed by society.

In any case, the fact is that the porn movies for women have caused much controversy since their inception.

Even in some categories such as lesbian porn, for example, is one of the categories most accessed by women. So, yes, they also access porn and sometimes more than the men themselves.

Porn can be for them too

porn for women

porn for women

However, what many do not know is that these films are created with the intention of effectively exploring female sexual fantasies. In this way, they can be extremely powerful and liberating for women, allowing them to experience new sensations and positions. In addition, pornographic films are also great to spice up the sexual relationship with the partner.

Some people claim that the movies are too explicit and that women are addicted to pornography.

However, other people defend the genre, arguing that women like to watch porn movies because they find them exciting.

In some cases, women claim that they look for in porn what they don't find in real life.

That is, when a woman does not find in her partner the desire, attraction and orgasm that she wants to experience in her sexual relationship, she may end up going to porn in search of more pleasure in her life.

The truth is that, until now, nobody really knew the answer to the question: is it possible to measure the amount of porn that women watch?

The channel most accessed by them

With the recent popularity of the internet, however, it is now possible to measure the porn that women watch. A new study conducted by the website Pornhub has shown that women are the second largest group of viewers of sex movies.

Furthermore, the study also showed that women tend to watch this type of content during the day, while men tend to watch it at night.

Research also revealed some of the reasons why women attend .

First, many women claim that movies help them relax. In addition, many women also report that the porn movies help them have a faster and more intense orgasm.

Based on these studies, it seems that yes, it is possible to measure the amount of porn that women watch.

However, the truth is that there is still a lot to learn about the subject. For example, it remains unclear whether women watch sex movies because they like them or because they feel pressured to do so.

Furthermore, it is also unclear whether the sexual content is actually beneficial for women or if it is just a waste of time.

However, we now know that, yes, it is possible to measure the amount of pornography that women watch.

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