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  • Life as a luxury escort

    Life as a luxury escort: The term luxury escort is used for women who work as sexual partners; this is the difference between prostitutes who usually meet in the attributes that the woman in question has. What do luxury escorts offer? ...

  • Pornhub awards: The 2019 winners

    Have you ever heard of the Pornhub Awards? The famous Pornhub website is growing every year and is consolidating itself as one of the biggest on the internet. This week, the Pornhub Awards 2019 took place, a ceremony held by the website to award the best of the...

  • Luxury escorts: I changed the Xvideos

    Many women dream of becoming high-class escorts. And that's because, as the name suggests, they usually earn a lot of money by accompanying men in their various activities. Their goals can be individual or mutual, but all we know is that they...

  • Ancient Rome and Trivia: How did sex change history?

    In Ancient Rome, when the subject is sex, many doubts arise. And one of them refers to how it was before, in the time of Ancient Rome. This is because people tend to think that it is something modern, without considering how things were before. In Ancient Rome, sex...

  • Masturbating: Alternatives to Porn Videos

    Masturbating? Everyone gets tired of watching porn videos at some point. And then some questions arise, such as: how will the masturbation be done and on what basis? But don't worry, there are plenty of options. Below you will see COUNTLESS options that...

  • Sex positions that men like the most in bed

    The man usually gets excited very easily, some have some sexual positions that men like best in bed, but they have a fire that is naturally hotter and just seeing the underwear or body parts like ass and breasts that are already on hard dick. Even with...

  • The complete guide to female masturbation

    In this complete guide to female masturbation, the aim is for you to break the paradigms that have been created about this activity and understand how much it should be known without prejudice. Considered a taboo in the 21st century: this is how female masturbation still is...

  • XNXX: have you heard about?

    If your answer was no, you have never heard of xnxx, I can tell you that you are missing out on a lot of interesting things. In this text, we will explain some things so that your understanding of the site is broader and thus, you...