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Virtual porn vs having sex in real life

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Ever wonder if watching too much online porn interferes with real-life sex? Because if you haven't wondered yet, I tell you it's time to think about it. First, we don't even need to go into much detail about the subject in order to explain what porn is and where it is found. Because today, in the digital age, it is something present almost all the time and easily accessible. What a lot of people don't imagine, for example, is that the wave of reading erotic stories is much bigger than you imagine, if you want to know more, we separate 6 reasons to read Erotic Tales.

virtual porn

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It is also important to understand one more thing. That the sensations brought by virtual porn are different for men and women. Because yes, today, women also access a lot. However, the pleasure they have in sex in real life is much greater. It's not like the man, who just jerks off and that's it, resolved.

Google, for example, has millions of hits daily with this search. And today, even real-life sex can and often does involve porn as well. I see many couples who, in the midst of their practices, assist to innovate. Or even read erotic stories, which is currently very popular.

Mainly in the sense that everything is free now: the so-called free porn. It's not like before that you had to pay to access certain content. Everything has changed. And for the better. However, addiction to virtual porn, when it's just the case, is what complicates things a bit and scares people. That's because, the ideal is to know how to separate things. Have time for both.

What do young people addicted to virtual porn report?

Most say that virtual porn, when in excess, can do a lot of harm. Including much more than we can imagine.


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This is because, the habit of addiction to these pages causes this whole issue to affect their sex life. And your health in general. This is because of the problem that happens: erectile dysfunction. And it's not just people who have had experiences in this regard who say that. Doctors have already proven the issue.

A young man from the United States, now twenty-eight years old, stated that he had been watching porn since he was twelve. And now, he ended up developing just that, an erectile dysfunction that has hindered him in real sex.

And do you know what this dysfunction means? Exactly what you're thinking. That he won't be able, for example, to have sex with his girlfriend. And that's because his brain today is conditioned in a different way, as if practice wasn't enough, just virtual porn.

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In addition, this can cause other problems, for example, lead to depression, since the person ends up despairing over the problem. So, it is important to understand that there is a limit to everything and you need to know yours. Or, learn to deal with the consequences.

If you liked this content, you will surely like this other one too, which talks about the women's preferred sex positions.

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