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Positions that help to enjoy slower during sex

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Sex good is the one that is slow, that follows the rhythm of the woman and that, in the end, the two leave satisfied after having a good cumshot. But, we know it doesn't work that way. Men tend to come faster, while women take a little longer.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the couple leaves the hot kiss and goes straight to sex, without going through the foreplay. It is important to pay attention to foreplay, since, as mentioned earlier, women take a little longer to come.

It's in the foreplay that you can make the woman really sensitive and very excited! If the opposite is true, the tendency is for men to come faster, running out of strength to provide the woman's pleasure now.


It is clear that in addition to the trend of woman already take longer to enjoy, there are some factors that can collaborate for the man to enjoy too quickly. See some below.

Enjoying fast: problem involving health

Many young people do not take care of their pleasure machine and are later targets of impotence, erectile dysfunction and several other problems that end up destroying a man's self-esteem and sex life.

Some problems may be linked to:

  • Stress it can cause not only poor performance but also impotence. Stress is so powerful at this point, because at the time of sex you can't relax, just thinking about the bad things of the day. This leads to dissatisfaction for not having experienced the moment of pleasure, and more than that, it leads to a blockage of sexual desire.
  • The addiction into alcohol and drugs could be severely affecting your ability to have sex and you didn't even realize it. Therefore, these vices act in a way that impairs the flow of blood in the penis, making the muscles tense.
  • Sedentary lifestyle it is also one of the causes that bring impotence and that makes you feel discouraged. If you don't usually practice physical exercises, you certainly won't be willing to have more intense and lasting, as well as satisfying, sex.

What's more, several other factors that may be interrupting your transaction. But let's not talk about them anymore, but solutions to your problem. Wassup let's go for it?

Determining factors in ejaculation

Before solutions, just two important points: cumming fast is relative. If you came after 5 minutes of sex and after 3 minutes of you coming, she comes, for her you will have come fast.

If the situation was reversed and she came first after five minutes of sex and you after 3 minutes of her having come, you would have taken too long. So it's recommended that you don't get stuck in terms of time, but that your partner comes practically with you.

There's only one way to do this and it's called foreplay. Forget about going straight to sex without creating a climax or a hard-on. In this way, it is really difficult for the woman to accompany the man. If the opposite happens, it is possible that both enjoy almost simultaneously.


The second important point is: stop romanticizing porn movies in which men have sex for almost an hour without cumming. Movies, as you may already know, are not real. It is very likely that these guys are taking something to inhibit ejaculation and you can be sure that this is not good for your health.

Positions that delay ejaculation

Enough rambling, let's get down to business: the solutions. The best of all is certainly to choose the positions that are least exciting. Yes, you should opt for positions that are less stimulating and that you notice that you tend to enjoy more slowly.

Of course, it depends on each person, but research has been carried out and the following positions are the least favored to have a quick orgasm. Let's see what they are.

1- Shell

In this position, the man's penetration is not deep, which ends up delaying ejaculation. Also, the penis is not overstimulated and the force with which you move is less and slower because the position is unfavorable.

2- From the side and from the front

Instead of being a shell (which is on the back) you are also close together, only facing the front. Just like the spoon position, the penis is not stimulated, so you can repeat the back and forth movement several times without having a quick orgasm.

In addition, this is a great position that shows how intimate you are, as you look into each other's eyes and take the opportunity to reconnect.

3- Lotus flower

This is also a position that favors eye contact. That's because you must sit with your legs crossed and your partner sits on your legs, fitting and controlling the movement. It is possible that there will be a deep penetration in this position, but it will not be enough to give you intense pleasure to the point of orgasm.

This is a very sweet and sensual position. You can go slowly and even take breaks in penetration to connect with your partner. In it, there can be a deep penetration, but there is no possibility of intense impulse - which can make you take longer to enjoy.

4- Cowgirl

In this position, the man is lying flat on the bed with his stomach up. The woman must sit on top of him to control the movements. In this position, eye contact also prevails, which favors you, woman, to control the coming and going and the intensity and as soon as you realize that your partner is losing the line, about to ejaculate, reduce the movement.

Finally, after performing positions that delay orgasm, nothing better than finishing with your favorite position or positions. Midway between intense arousal, movement, and more, you and your partner can talk to find out where climax and orgasm are. Now, finish with positions four and others that you like!


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