The duration of male ejaculation It may not be as long as we'd like, however, there are techniques and tips that can make a difference in sexual performance.
As male porn stars have tips to avoid premature ejaculation, they reveal the secret to lasting longer in bed and keeping an erection longer. How is it possible to stay erect for so long? We have the answer to that question.
Viewers tend to think that getting tough on a movie set is an easy task, but there are a number of factors that go into it, such as the chemistry between the actors, the pressure to shoot the scene, the film crew, etc. Therefore, it is common for them to face erection problems.
Keep in good shape and follow a balanced diet, some actors reveal that having your body balanced in nutrients is essential for good performance. Food plays an important role in the functioning of our body, so don't give it substances that won't give you the energy you need.
Focus is necessary, so it's not recommended that you have your head lost in thoughts like bills, rent, a disagreement at work... Get yourself body and soul into the moment.
Psychological control manages to avoid premature ejaculation, the control of excitation is an excellent technique for not ejaculating urgently.
Masturbation helps, men usually start masturbation in adolescence and can control when they are erect for the act and when they are not. The effect would be to reduce some of the euphoria of the relationship and maintain a certain rhythm, so this will improve performance.
Some professionals from porn industry masturbate two or three hours before the recording. That's because the second ejaculation takes longer to happen than the first, men take advantage of this factor for their own benefit.
One of the tricks is to relax the muscles of the body, especially those in the abdomen area. These abdominal muscles often flex during sex. However, the correct attention will make you remember to relax the musculature, remembering that abdominal flexion, legs and buttocks can accelerate the process of ejaculation.
Control your breathing, make sure it doesn't get too fast and heavy, because fast breathing can destroy a part of men's sexual resistance. Before you get lost in the moment and end up breathing like a breeding bull, be mindful of the fact that this will make you ejaculate faster.
A curiosity is an advanced technique, the training of the PC muscle, also known as the pelvic floor. This muscle is responsible for controlling a good part of the genital muscles and is located between the testicles and the anus. It is used when the man wants to pee and needs to hold it for example. In the same way, it is possible to hold the spermatozoa by flexing this muscle or squeezing its region with a finger for a period of twenty to thirty seconds and then proceed with the relationship normally.