Virgin woman: today we are going to talk about sex for the first time. formerly, the virginity was a source of pride for many women, today for most it is still a source of shame not having had the first sexual experience.
Over time, this issue has become less and less a taboo for many people, although there are still those who are resistant to change, who see sex as something dirty or purely for procreative purposes.
The truth is that in any case, this is the favorite subject in conversation circles between friends.
If you, whether male or female, have a relationship with someone who has never had sexual experience, we will give you valuable tips to make that first time very pleasant for your loving partner.
This will make it so good and unforgettable, as many women complain that their first time was not good, and it is very important that it is.
A proof of this is a survey that was carried out by two , and to Tennessee and the Mississippi, who interviewed about 319 people to find out how their first sex was.
According to this work, they came to the conclusion that those who had a good first time are more satisfied and relaxed with their sex life, less prone to problems such as sexual impotence and low self-esteem. For this reason, it is important to treat this issue with care and learn how to please a virgin woman.
It is important that this decision comes from the inexperienced person. Many women end up being pressured by their partner and end up giving in just to please.
This is not a nice thing to do, the first time should be a pleasant experience for both of you.
Recently, in the US, a survey showed that one in every 16 women were pressured to have their first time.
There's nothing more annoying than unwilling sex, so listen to your partner and understand if she's not ready, or if she is, try to find out how nice it would be for her, this will turn sex into something she'll want again with you.
No virgin woman should feel guilty about making it past her 20s without losing her virginity, because her friends lost it first, or for any other reason.
There are adult virgin women of the most varied ages, this should not be a taboo for any of them, the woman should only take the next step when she is sure that this is what she wants, try to understand.
It is a fundamental part for the first time. Although many guys are reluctant to use condoms, they are a must. According to data from unaids, every week about 6.200 young people between 15 and 24 years old are infected with the HIV virus.
It's not just about preventing AIDS, there are several sexually transmitted diseases that we can avoid with its use, as well as an unwanted pregnancy.
We know that the first time is a tense moment for most women. Few are the virgin women who manage to be totally relaxed at H-time. Beat that unexpected nervousness, sweating, legs shaking, heart racing and an absurd fear that it won't be something pleasant.
That way, to make your partner more comfortable, it's worth using your good mood to break the ice in the situation. Sex hot porn style is wonderful, but it's unlikely to be like this her first time, so making her comfortable and relaxed is essential.
As we have already mentioned, it is important to make this a good moment for the partner. If you already have a certain sexual experience, or are one of those who believe that reality is the same as porn movies, know that you may be disappointed.
Every woman is different and the first time it can be difficult that she is so experienced and does things you want.
Having a good relationship with your own body is important to achieve pleasure. As we have seen in other articles, a woman who is in the habit of touching herself can reach orgasm more easily than those who do not.
Therefore, it's always good to talk to your partner about this, because if she doesn't know how she likes to be touched, it will be difficult for her partner to satisfy her desires in the first sexual experience. Masturbating is the soul of the business!
Although it is quite common for bleeding to occur the first time, it is a myth to believe that in all sexual intercourse, when the hymen is broken, there will be unbridled bleeding like those we see in movies.
Many, many virgin women do not have any type of bleeding the first time, it depends a lot on the anatomy of each one.
The first time can bother a lot, but it's not a rule. Believing that a woman is only a virgin if the experience is painful is a myth and a very archaic way of thinking.
Although many women may feel a certain burning sensation and pain when being penetrated, others may not feel any discomfort if they are well lubricated, so it's worth asking how it's going for her and adjusting the rhythm.
There's no point in being in a hurry to get there and penetrate your partner. You have to be calm and prepare her for what will come. If she feels pressured, she'll get nervous and the sex will be disastrous.
When the virgin woman is tense, the vaginal muscles end up contracting, which makes penetration uncomfortable, so doing things at the right time is best!
The consumption of alcohol for many can be seen as an interesting resource to make the woman relax before the first time, but it is not recommended at all.
Drinking can reduce her pleasure or cause her to engage in behaviors that wouldn't be cool for the first time. The best part is that both are sober, aware and in agreement with what they are doing.
If it's hard enough not to be nervous the first time around, the place can make it that much worse. Sexual adventures in unusual places are a delight, but everything has its time. So, for the first experience, choose a place where you can both feel comfortable, without having to control the intensity of the moans or the noise that the bed makes. Choosing the ideal place helps to increase the erotic climate between the couple.
Oral sex is something that most women love. A guy who knows how to suck his partner shows that he knows a lot about giving pleasure. Before leaving for an intense penetration, she controls her will and enjoys her body, kissing everywhere, sucking, licking and always paying attention to the signs he gives. They will tell you whether or not you are on the right path.
It's no use trying to look like the transude who knows everything from all the positions we only see in erotic movies. So, for her first date, the old-fashioned mommy and daddy might be fine, as it helps put the girl at ease and you'll be able to better control the penetration. Flamboyant and exotic positions can make your partner shy at H-time or they can be uncomfortable for her.
For all the reasons we listed above, if for some reason sex doesn't happen, don't force the situation, let her get comfortable before deciding not to proceed. Often penetration ends up being painful, and it's better for your partner to give up than to do something that will be traumatizing for her.
It is always valid to use massage gels and other products that increase the sensation of female pleasure, but be careful with some erotic toys. It's not cool to buy a gigantic vibrator or anal plug for someone who doesn't have the slightest experience in sex. Just in case, talking is always the best solution.