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Sex improves memory

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Have you ever heard that sex improves memory and even makes people smart? In case you haven't heard it, you know it now. And this is not something that is simply being said. It's proven. The explanation for this is that the sexual act causes brain cells to be produced and thus both intelligence and memory are stimulated.

The responsible for this research is a university in the United States. She mentions that memory improvement occurs in the long term, one more reason for sex to be practiced. So there are the momentary benefits and the later ones.

Of course, just because someone has sex doesn't automatically mean they'll be smart. What happens is a stimulus.

Sex improves memory

Source: Whe Fashion Trends

If it were a rule, what would be the explanation for so many people who don't have sex very often and are super smart? In case you want to know the answer, they stimulate your brain in other ways, with reading, for example.

The university in question did a test on mice. One group did not have sex and the other did it for a certain period of time. After that, it was noticed that those who had done it were able to produce more new neurons.

Sex improves memory and, in addition, stimulates some specific activities related to the brain, such as cognitive functions.

Besides sex being proven to improve memory, what else does it do?

Yes, the evidence that sex improves memory has already been done. But what else does he do? What other points does it help? First, it completely interferes with people's happiness.

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Source: Whe Fashion Trends


With your practice, there is the possibility of being able to change your mood completely.

So much so that one of the jokes made by many people when they see someone in a bad mood is if they haven't had sex and that's why they find themselves like this.

Of course, not everyone agrees, but as the practice ends up being an activity that demands commitment and leads to pleasure, after it it is very common for people to feel satisfied and complete.

There are even those who believe that the practice can bring most pleasurable feeling in the world, mainly for the male audience. In the case of females, when they reach orgasm, the same thing happens.

The sensations, which are different in each act, also stimulate this idea that sex is very good for the person.

As for those who are in doubt about the amount that would be necessary to have these benefits, there is no way to say an exact number.

One reason for this has to do with quality. After all, quantity does not mean that sex gives complete pleasure and it is precisely this issue that provides health benefits.

Of course, the more times you have sex, the more chances that sex will improve your memory and bring you even more benefits.

Decreasing stress and taking care of the heart

As sexual intercourse is considered a physical activity, it ends up being good for the heart.

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Source: Personare


However, the ideal would be for the sex time to be at least thirty minutes to get the results. And also that it happen at least five times a week.

Not everyone manages to put this into practice, since couples who are dating and don't live together, for example, can't even see each other that often, many times.

Another relevant point related to the benefits of sex, is that the body produces hormones and even other substances in the midst of the act and thus, sensations of pain, for example, are not felt at that moment.

Some people even claim that it is the best medicine for any pain our body may have.

And how does it help with stress? It's very simple. Everyone knows how stressed we are, sex alleviates it. So much so that, many times, when we finish the sexual act, we don't even believe that it brought us so many results in the sense of relief.

And it's not your impression. Studies prove that sex decreases anxiety and allows people to be calmer.

But in this regard, be careful. Having this information, people may think that sex will always be a way from now on to get rid of stress and be relieved.

And this can harm the relationship, which should continue to have other characteristics, such as affection and attention.

Turning sex into a mechanical issue simply because you know it relieves you is a mistake for the couple's relationship.

Sex improves memory and boosts self-esteem

In addition to the natural benefits found through sex, which have already been mentioned, sex improves people's self-esteem.

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Source: Nature Center

Believe it or not, it is proven that even for the skin it is positive. So there's no denying how good he is.

Another aspect that makes it so good for self-esteem is precisely that, when we feel desired by the other, it automatically helps us to be happy and well.

Having sex at least once a week also strengthens our body's defenses.

More antibodies are created by those who have sex frequently. In addition to sleep being much more present from the practice as well. This is precisely because sex, when done completely, makes us feel tired, exhausted and this automatically makes us sleep well.

Not to mention that the muscles are strengthened from the moment the sexual act takes place.

Depending on the position, the thighs and abdomen can be worked on well.

Is any kind of sex worth it?

Yes. And, the more excited the relationship, that is, if the two decide to sweat a lot, the more chances of counting on the benefits mentioned.

That way, everything goes when it comes to having sex. It's worth sex in two, in three, between friends. Just don't sail don't fuck.

Of course, your tastes must be taken into account, nobody should be forced into anything, but every type of sex has its benefits.

So, if you are not used to practicing so many times, start by increasing the amount a little and gradually setting goals.

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