Every woman knows that finding a partner who is available at any time to satisfy her intimate desires it's not always easy. It is at these times that the clit sucker can become the best ally in moments of pleasure.
This is an erotic toy that has become increasingly popular among women and it is not by chance. With it, it is possible to stimulate the clitoris in an intense and unique way, leading any woman to delirium.
And in this post we are going to explain in more depth what this magical device is and what are the benefits it can provide to improve the sex life of the woman. Check out!
The clitoral sucker is a sex toy that acts practically on its own. You just need to position the hole correctly on top of the clitoris and then turn on the device.
You don't need to rub or make any movements, the device itself will take care of everything. It has an internal system that will make suction movements over the erogenous zone.
With this, you will start to feel pleasure quickly and you can even have multiple orgasms. One of the great advantages of this type of product is that you can choose between different speeds and operating modes.
That is, you can adjust it exactly to what you like to do most.
The clitoris sucker is a type of sex toy that provides a series of benefits for women in their moments of intimacy. And among the main ones are:
Only a woman knows what really pleases her most in intimate moments. And with a clit sucker, you can control and have exactly what you want.
Several devices of the genre have different modes and speeds. So you can take your pleasure level even further.
One more of the differentials of this type of sex toy is that you can find super compact and discreet models. There are even options that you can easily carry in your purse, without anyone even suspecting what it is.
So you can take your device on trips, for example, discreetly.
The sex toy industry has been constantly evolving. Today it is possible to find models made of materials that do not harm the intimate area, such as medical silicone.
In addition to being antiallergic, it also prevents the proliferation of bacteria. Which is fundamental for those who want to avoid problems in the intimate region.
With the clitoris sucker you can have multiple orgasms without having to depend on a partner. In addition, this can be a good option for those who already have a partner, but who want to further enhance the moments of pleasure.
For sure, if you use the device during sexual intercourse, you will have a totally different experience, like you've never felt in your sexual life.
Before you start using a clitoris sucker for sexual pleasure, it's important to take some precautions. All erotic toys require special attention, as they are directly in contact with the intimate area.
The first tip is that you need to use a water-based lubricant while using the sex toy. Only the natural lubrication of the vagina is not enough.
If you rub the device too much on site without proper lubrication, you may end up hurting or causing irritation in the region. So the best thing to do is abuse this product to ensure more pleasure.
This is a very serious point when it comes to sex toys. With the boom of sclitoris user on social media, obviously many “cheaper” imitations started to appear.
And if you compare these options with models available in serious sex shops, you will see a certain difference in price. However, keep in mind that one of the biggest precautions you need to take in relation to this type of product is to choose an option that has all the certifications from Brazilian regulatory bodies.
Remember that this type of product will be directly in contact with an extremely sensitive area. Therefore, if any problem occurs, such as an allergic reaction to a material that has not been dermatologically tested, or even an electrical discharge, it can cause serious consequences in the region, including loss of sensitivity.
This is not to say that you need to be afraid of using a clit sucker. All you need to know is whether the chosen model is really safe and follows all the necessary standards.
You can easily obtain this type of information on the product packaging, on websites and even on the Inmetro portal. Just inform the registration number that brands must show, and you will have all the necessary information about the item.
One more important precaution when using the clitoris sucker, as well as other sex toys, concerns hygiene. Always after use, clean your device correctly, to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms that could harm your intimate region.
Most products of the genre today are made with so-called medical silicone. That way, they can be washed in running water and with neutral soap, without any problem.
But in the case of the clitoris sucker, it is important to carefully read the recommendations of each manufacturer. That's because, you have to remember that it uses an internal electrical mechanism. So, you will probably have to seal buttons and even the suction hole to prevent it from being damaged.
Also, know that there are several waterproof models that are excellent. Mainly because they can be used inside the bathtub or in the shower.
Did you like to know more about the clitoris sucker? So be sure to look for one Sex shop to guarantee yours and thus have incredible moments of pleasure.