Porn » Sex (Page 9)


  • Innovating in sexual sensations

    Have you ever imagined being able to spice up your relationship by innovating sexual sensations? Well, if this is what you want, now you can achieve exactly that. How? Find out now! Be sure to follow any of the tips and you will achieve the result...

  • Improving lubrication has NEVER been easier!

    What comes to mind when you think about improving lubrication? Well, you should know that with a few tips, you can completely change your life. The first thing you need to understand is that vaginal dryness, which is well-known and talked about, is nothing more than...

  • Sex

    Even better sex? How to do this?

    If your search is to make sex even better, know that you are in the right place. And, the truth is, it may not seem like it, but many people in the world seek this daily. Yes, sex is an essential part of the relationship, and when things work out well in bed...

  • Tips for innovating in bed: meet some!

    Do you know any tips for innovating in bed? Know that, if the answer is no, the time has come to meet and be surprised by some of them. And there's more: even if you already know about several, you will definitely discover several different things about the subject. Anything...

  • Vaginal vs clitoral orgasm: all about!

    Have you ever wondered whether it is more pleasurable to experience vaginal orgasm than clitoral orgasm? Well, now you will learn more about each of the two possibilities and how much each of them can add when it comes to pleasure. Even orgasm, when mentioned,...

  • Sex

    The multiple orgasm: tips to have it!

    Many women dream of having multiple orgasms, but not all of them know how to achieve them. To give you an idea, more than ten percent of women say they have never experienced orgasms during sex. And what's more: a slightly smaller percentage...

  • Sex

    Jacking off: all the possibilities there are!

    When it comes to masturbating, everything that involves it is broad. Since, the forms and possibilities are many. And masturbation is an art. Since, its forms are varied and the benefits it provides are also varied. Yes, there are people who prefer ...

  • Sex

    Erogenous zones little explored in H hour

    Erogenous Zones: Did you know that we have at least 20 in our body? Discover each one and increase your pleasure in bed When we talk about erogenous zones, many people think of the penis and vagina, however, there are other pleasure regions that deserve to be stimulated and many...

  • Clitoral sucker: revealing everything about this object

    The clitoral sucker is a great option when it comes to direct stimulation of the point that is considered the generator of female pleasure. And, in case you didn't know, although the option is still little known, it has been gaining more and more space. Since,...

  • Sex

    Sex day and the best sex positions

    There's nothing like Sex Day to make people think about spicing up their relationships. And there's no denying that a special date like this is indeed a reason to celebrate by having sex. It would be strange if it were any different. But how about reading it now and...

  • Sex

    The benefits of masturbation in your life

    The benefits of masturbation go far beyond momentary physical pleasure and do not end with orgasm. Solitary pleasure has always been a recurring theme among men, however, it is no longer a taboo for women as well. They are recognizing the...

  • Enslave the man? Now you can!

    Have you ever thought about enslaving men? How crazy can it make them? If you haven't thought about it yet, now is the time to make it happen. The first thing you need to know about enslaving men...

  • Sex

    Good in bed: Women give them tips

    Good in bed: Some women give their tips on how to impress them during sex Every man wants to impress his woman with his performance during sex. Who wouldn't like to have their performance or member praised? This strokes the ego of any man...

  • Sex

    Sexual frequency in the relationship: What is ideal?

    Is the frequency of sex in your relationship satisfactory? It is not always easy to understand some issues within our relationships. Many times, we look for answers to seemingly simple things, however, some end up hammering in our...

  • Sex

    One wants to have more sex: how to act?

    One of the biggest problems related to sex involves: one wants to get laid more. It may seem strange to think about it, but it's natural. Although sex is often good for both people, the intensity and frequency is not always the same for both. and everything is...

  • Sex

    Pompoarismo Techniques: How does the practice work?

    Pompoarism Techniques: What is it and how does it work? The pompoarism technique is very beneficial for women's health in general. It has been proven to provide more intense orgasms, strengthen the pelvis and help resolve infections and some...

  • Sex

    Insecurities that ruin your sex life

    Insecurities can affect several areas of your life, including your intimacy, making sex unsatisfactory. Many people believe that for good sex, all you need is to receive the right physical stimulation, find an experienced person who can satisfy your...

  • Weird Sex Facts You Don't Know

    There are many strange facts about sex, however, the ones on this list are so surprising that they seem like myths. Sex is an incredible thing. Few people don't like to experience the moments of pleasure that it provides, however, there are some facts involving sex...