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Anal Sex – Sex Stories & Photos – Why is it so desirable?

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Anal sex: Why is this sexual modality so desired for some men?

A few years ago, anal sex was seen as such a taboo that many women refused to perform such a practice. If nowadays human sexuality is increasingly fluid, in the 90s and early 2000s, women who practiced anal sex were seen as “sluts” even by their husbands.

This prejudice means that, even today, many men look for sex workers to fulfill this type of fantasy, due to the lack of courage to talk about the subject with their wife. Contrary to what many people think, anal sex can be quite pleasurable for both of you and an excellent way to spice up the relationship.

However, a curious question is: Why are men so fascinated by this part of the female anatomy? There are a few possible explanations and we'll talk about each one.

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Reasons why they love anal sex

Preferences in bed can vary from person to person, we cannot generalize the tastes of each one, however, we know that many men love anal sex. Attraction and interest in specific sexual activities are influenced by a combination of factors, which can be emotional, social or physical. There are a few reasons why men express a greater interest in anal and oral:

1. Physical stimuli

The anus is a very sensitive area of ​​our body. In the case of men, the prostate makes the pleasure in this region more intense, although many are reluctant to experience it. Due to the nerve endings in the region, for many people it is the best way to obtain sexual pleasure.

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We are beings always looking for new stimuli, having sex the same way can end up causing boredom, so anal sex is a way to diversify our sexual experiences, explore new or infrequent sensations. Therefore, anal sex can be very exciting and stimulating for those eager for novelty in bed.

3. Breaking taboos

Because it is still a taboo for many people in different cultures, anal sex can awaken the desire to break this pattern. The feeling of breaking some rule can generate a very strong sexual stimulus, thus, it is one of the reasons that make men want anal sex.

4. Domination

Anal sex for some can involve power and domination. This dynamic is extremely exciting and satisfying, it's like a trophy obtained. Thus, many men feel dominant when performing this type of practice with their partner.

5. Fulfillment of fantasies

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Our mind boils with fantasies, whether simpler or more complex, we all have some kind of sexual fantasy at some point in life. Anal sex is one of the most common sexual fantasies of men and usually involves other elements besides the act, such as specific clothes, places and occasions.

Finally, it is important to point out that anal sex should be pleasurable for both parties involved, therefore, dialogue and permission are extremely important so that the sexual interaction is as pleasant as possible, leaving that desire to repeat.

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