Often, when it comes to sex between friends, some issues end up becoming taboo. However, they shouldn't. That's because, in the XNUMXst century, things have changed, they are no longer like before, there was a whole fear of talking about certain subjects.
The question is simple and straightforward: if both are interested in having sex and if it works, why not?
Now if you realize that this is somehow disturbing the friendship relationship, in some specific case, just stop the practice and that's it.
However, this is unlikely to happen, since sex between friends strengthens friendship.
This is because sex is much more intimate than you think. From the moment the practice is pleasurable for both parties, everything starts to make much more sense between people.
Therefore, when it is established that he will be part of the relationship so far only of friends who talk and go out together for then, those who have sex, the two involved are already much more intimate than one imagines.
It is worth remembering that there is not always a rule for sex between friends to happen. It may have started with an attraction from one party or even both.
In fact, the friendship may also have started from the sexual practice, in which the objective was just that at the time and later, through the bonds it became a friendship relationship.
The question of passion may or may not be related to this. That's because there are friends who don't mix one thing with another and prefer to just keep having sex with each other and there are also those who end up getting involved.
But, according to surveys, the greater number of sex between friends occurs due to physical or even intellectual attraction, since friends usually talk about various things, and, from that, sexual practice occurs.
An interesting point is that, although many people think that the two things are very close, they can also be very far from each other. There are those who think that there is a whole connection between friendship and sex and there are those who consider them very close.
So it depends a lot on how each one sees things. There will be that person who will accept being just your friend because they are afraid and there will be the other who will insist with you saying that there is no concern.
Even many people end up not being friends anymore due to the relationships they start to have, but they don't care, since they are happy maintaining sexual relationships.
There are those who even say that the friendships that end because of this were not strong, nor true enough and that's why they ended.
One of the most relevant points when it comes to sex between friends is knowing the right moment to talk about when the attraction happens.
In fact, the same research cited above proves that friendship success is much more common when this happens.
Also due to the fact that one of the parties, the one with the attraction, ends up wanting to spend much more time with the other, so the bonds are completed and increasing more and more.
In this way, one of the tips so that, if sex between friends is agreed between the couple, and the friendship does not change, is to continue doing things as they were before.
If you saw each other twice a week, it would be ideal to continue with that frequency. Yes, it may be that now you have agreed on a specific day just for the sexual act, but your routine can and should continue.
Unless they agree that they don't want to be friends anymore, then things are different.
In this case, things get a little more complicated. Sex between friends strengthens the friend and is an excellent option, but only when it is a reciprocal desire.
So if you've shown interest and haven't had a response, you need to rethink this.
If you are going to insist, decide or simply walk away from the person. It seems strange to be something so drastic, like never talking to her again, but sometimes, it just happens.
Not everyone handles no well, and if you're one of them, you'll understand exactly what I mean.
That is why it is also important to analyze the situation. Assuming what the other can do, say or think. If you notice that he's not as interested as you are, sometimes it's better not to say anything than to end up pushing him away or pulling away.
This also applies when you feel like having something more than friendship, be it black and white or color. A lot of people end up confusing things and therefore believe that due to the amount of time they spend together and the intensity of things, a serious relationship will be the next step.
Therefore, it is worth remembering that we are not talking about that, but about sex without commitment.
To give you an idea, in an interview with three hundred people, a fifth of them said they had already had sexual intercourse with one of their friends.
Of those, over 75% stated that things only got better for the friendship, it just got stronger.
Not that if the person has another profile, he will not be successful, but, in fact, he needs to be at least cool.
That's because, it's not something that anyone in the world accepts to do. As it involves a lot the impartiality of each person and the feelings they have, it is up to each one to consider whether this type of relationship has been healthy or not for them.
It is worth remembering that these issues do not always occur only between men and women. Friends or friends can opt for this practice too.
And it's more common than you think. It is also important to make it clear that another issue when it comes to the profile of people who accept sex between friends. They may not want to charge specific things that a couple charges.
Going out with friends, wanting to spend specific dates with each other. This is not always possible.
But don't worry, if the dialogue is present, everything will be easier.