According to Tracey Cox, a sex expert, there are ten distinct personalities in this area. In this way, they have their particularities and while some may be common and attractive, others are more complicated and often require medical follow-up or a sex therapist to avoid possible disorders.
For Tracey, the old story that opposites attract doesn't quite fly. When it comes to sex, it's much better than having sex with someone similar. In medical offices, the biggest problems involve the lack of intimate compatibility between couples.
This is a factor that can destroy a relationship, so it's important to discover your own sexual personality to know how to deal with the other's. So let's show what they are:
For the person with this personality, emotional intimacy takes precedence over sexual performance. A sensual type likes to take things slow, with plenty of eye contact and touching.
The erotic personality likes sex with a lot of intensity and vigor. Not that this person doesn't enjoy a more normal sex, the case is the need to alternate common relationships with more intense ones, full of eroticism.
For these, sex needs to follow a ritual. Many compulsives are selfish in bed and have little connection with their partner. Their need is the frantic pursuit of pleasure.
These are the ones who start to enjoy sex, however, they let themselves be overwhelmed by everyday problems and soon end up with the mood. These issues make them distance themselves sexually and emotionally from their partners, depending on how their lives are going.
As the name implies, they are those who live dependently seeking sex, usually when there is a problem in their lives. Having sex becomes an outlet and when denied, they can become agitated and moody. This personality is predominant among men and common among those who have masturbation addiction.
Sex becomes something of concern, as the person feels pressured to have a perfect performance. Without a doubt, this ends up affecting the sex life of those with this type of personality, so the ideal is to treat anxiety.
The disinterested personality doesn't want sex very much, so it may provide small pleasures, but not enough to satisfy their physical and emotional needs. Thus, the interesting thing is to seek therapy to assess past traumas.
For these, the desire is linked to that of the partner. You have to see the other excited to get your own excitement. However, for these people, sexual games work well, as they end up giving and receiving pleasure.
One of the difficult personalities to unravel by name. However, it speaks of those people who have little understanding of the sexual needs of others and even their own. This type of person believes they are entitled to a certain amount of sex or even a specific position.
As the name says, the sex is so addictive for those who have this type of sexual personality, which is difficult to manage. In this way, sex ends up becoming the focus of the individual's life, often causing damage to other aspects of life. Therefore, it is important to seek professional help if the vice in sex be interfering. There are several qualified therapists to help with this type of problem, however, for more serious cases, medical help may be necessary, as he will provide specific medications.
Finally, sex is a particularity of each one, therefore, the desires of the other must be considered and respected, especially in the relationship of two. Now tell us, which of these sexual personalities is yours?